

「形容詞 + 介詞」數量很多,故本診斷測驗僅限於以單題式填充方式呈現。本單元後,附有說明檔──「試題解析」,按相關連結後,即可了解正確用法。若有其它問題,請按每頁所附 e-mail 信箱連絡。


1. Mom, I have something to do before class today, so I have to be earlier       school this morning.

2. Don't smoke. It isn't good       your health.

3. Computer games are popular       people of all ages.

4. Jenny wins the game, and her parents are very proud       her.

5. You shouldn't be bored       English. It's the most popular language in the world.

6. Are you all ready       the test tomorrow?

7. The window was broken by Fred again. The teacher will be angry       him. This is the third time.

8. I plan to leave the company (公司) because the boss always gets angry       everything I do.

9. You don't need to be afraid       Ms. Lu. In fact, she's a kind woman.

10. It's exciting       the little children to ride bicycles around Liyu Lake.

11. Wherever Jolin goes, her fans always get crazy       her.

12. Taipei is famous       the tallest building in the world, Taipei 101 Mall.

13. People say most junior high school students are tired       every-day tests.

14. It's kind       you to give me a hand when I'm in need of help.

15. We all feel sorry       the fact that Mr. Black is sick.

16. The woman was surprised       the news that she got the biggest money.

17. Go with her. She is very much scared       darkness.

18. If you have any problems of counting, ask John for help. He's very good       it.

19. The restaurant is often full       people because the steak there is really delicious.

20. If you want to study computer well, you have to learn to be interested       math first.

21. The students are excited       opening their presents.

22. It's wise       the girl to try to answer the easiest questions first.

23. I'm sorry that my brother can't go to the movie with us. He has to be busy       his work that his boss wants to finish today.

24. Horses are different       donkeys (驢子). Usually horses are bigger than donkeys.

25. It'll be helpful       children to drink milk every day.

26. Is Grandpa happy       the present we brought him?

27. Most of the teachers don't like the student, because he is always late       class.

28. We have to learn to be polite       old people.

29. It's healthy       people to eat more vegetables and fruit every day.

30. It's boring       me to hear the same story again and again.


形容詞 + 介詞使用說明

有些形容詞很固定地和某個介詞連結使用,形成某一特定意思底下是針對國中 1,200 個單詞中,有和介詞形成一特定意思之含有形容詞的片語,依字母順序作一個整理:

註 1:此類片語的動詞不一定都是 be,有時可能是 get 或是其它「聯綴動詞」
註 2: 「介詞」後面若為名詞或代名詞,應用「受格」,若為動詞,則須改為 V-ing 形式。

be afraid of:對‧‧‧感到害怕,例 I am afraid of dogs.

be angry about/at :對 (事) 感到生氣,例 Mrs. Liao was very angry about the bad experience.
be angry with :對 (人) 感到生氣,例 Don't be angry with me.

be bad at:笨拙於‧‧‧;在 (事) 不專長,例 Sorry, I'm bad at math.。和 be good at ... 互為相反意思。

be busy with:忙於 (事 / 人),例 Don't bother Jenny. She's busy with her homework tonight.

be crazy about:對 (事 / 人) 感到瘋狂。用於「人」時,有「對某人產生愛意」的意思,例 People in Taiwan are crazy about baseball.

be different from:和‧‧‧不同,例 Dogs are different from cats.

It be easy for :用法和 be good for 相同,例 It's easy for you to finish the homework during two hours.

be early to:早去‧‧‧,例 The boy is always early to school.

be famous for:以‧‧‧聞名,例 Hualien is famous for its natural beauty.

be full of:充滿著‧‧‧,例 His room is full of comic books and story books.

It be good for :對‧‧‧有益;對‧‧‧有好處,例 It's good for you to get up early every morning.
be good at:善長於‧‧‧,例 He is good at computer science.。和 be bad at ... 互為相反意思。
It be good of 人 to 原形動詞:(人) 做 (事) 很有善心,例 It's good of you to help poor people.。 good 當作「善良的」解釋時,可代換成 kind。

be happy for :對 (人) 感到高興,例 I am happy for you.
be happy with/about: 對(事 / 人) 感到滿意,例 Are you happy with the work Tom did?

It be hard for :用法和 be good for 相同,例 It's hard for me to finish the homework during two hours.

It be healthy for :用法、意思均和 be good for 相同,例 It's healthy for you to get up early every morning.

It be helpful for :用法和 be good for 相同,例 It's helpful for you to study English hard.

be late for:‧‧‧遲到了。意思和 be early to 相反,,例 Hurry up! Don't be late for the first class.

be polite to :對 (人) 有禮貌,例 We have to be polite to our parents.

be popular with:受到‧‧‧的歡迎,例 Jay's songs are popular with young people.

be proud of:以‧‧‧為榮,例 Mr. and Mrs. Chen are proud of their son.

be ready for:準備好做‧‧‧,例 We're all ready for the picnic tomorrow.

It be kind of 人 to 原形動詞:(人) 做 (事) 很有善心,例 It's kind of you to help poor people.。 kind 當作「善良的」解釋時,可代換成 good。

be scared of:害怕‧‧‧,例 She is scared of going out by herself. 。意思和 be afraid of 同。

be sorry for/about:對‧‧‧感到抱歉 / 難過。We're really sorry for taking your book without asking you.

It be wise of 人 to 原形動詞:(人) 做 (事) 很有智慧,例 It's wise of you to ask John for help.。 wise 的此類用法句型,和 good、kind 同。這種句型中,of 前的「形容詞」都是屬於「描述某人的行為」而言。

底下的「分詞當形容詞」可以另外歸成一類,因當它們是「現在分詞」形式 (V-ing) 時,其後的「介詞」都是用 to;「介詞」有變化,是發生在「過去分詞」(V-ed) 當「形容詞」用時:

be bored with:對‧‧‧感到厭煩。例 He's bored with eating the same food for breakfast every morning.
be boring to 人:‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到厭煩。例 It is boring to him to eat the same food for breakfast every morning.

be excited about:對‧‧‧感到興奮。例 Those people were excited about the baseball game on Sunday.
be exciting to 人:‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到興奮。例 The baseball game on Sunday was exciting to those people.

be interested in:對‧‧‧感到興趣。例 My daughter is interested in love story movies.
be interesting to 人:‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到厭煩。例 Love story movies are interesting to my daughter.

be surprised at:對‧‧‧感到驚訝。例 Mr. Liu is surprised at his son's high grades on the math test.
be surprising to 人:‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到有趣。例 Mr. Liu's son's high grades on the math test are surprising to Mr. Liu.

be tired of:對‧‧‧感到厭倦、厭煩。例 She's tired of practicing playing the piano every day.
be tiring to 人:‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到厭倦。例 It is tiring to her to practice playing the piano every day.