
  文意字彙: 20%

____________1.Mr. Li went to the s_______t and bought some food.

____________2.Thirty and seventy are one h______d.

____________3.We had dinner with friends in the r________t.

____________4.Mary w______ks to school every day.

____________5.There’s a good movie at the t_______r.

____________6.I bought the jacket at the d_________t store.

____________7.Tom was sick, so he took some m_______e after dinner.

____________8.My birthday is on N_________r 5.

____________9.What’s your father? He is a d______r.

____________10.The food is very d_________s. I like it.


文法選擇: 20%

(   )1.I bought _______ cakes and bread this morning.

(1)a lot (2)many (3)much (4)a little

( .  )2.I spent a day _______ my homework.  (1)do (2)to do (3)did (4)doing

(   )3.Here _________.  (1)your book is (2)are you (3)Tom came (4)is your

(   )4.We are waiting ______ Tom.  (1)on (2)at (3)in (4)for

(   )5.He didn’t buy ______ hamburgers yesterday. (1)some (2)much (3) any
        (4)a little

(   )6.They had ________ last night. (1)big dinner (2)big a dinner (3)a big
        dinner (4)a dinner

(   )7.Father gave _________. (1)a book me (2)me a book (3)a book at me
        (4)me to a book

(   )8.Susan enjoys _______ the dessert after dinner.  (1)eating (2)to eat (3)
        eat (4)eats

(   )9.Helen bought the tickets ______ $250.  (1)On (2)at (3)for (4)to

(   )10.The bookstore is ________ the bike store and the music store.

       (1)on (2)in (3)along (4)between

克漏字填充: 15%

(A)A: _________ me, _________ do I get to the train station?

   B: You can _________ bus number 10.

   A: __________ the bus stop?

   B: You can go _________ this street two blocks and _______ right on
       Second Street. The bus

      stop is _______­_ front of a big bookstore.

   A: Yes, I see. Thank you.

   B: You’re __________.    

(B)A: Can I ________ you?

   B: ________. Two large hamburgers and three large fries, please.

   A: Anything _________ drink?

   B: Yes, a coke, please.

   A: Large ______  small?

   B: Large. How _______ are they?

   A: That’s $350.

   B: ________ $400.

   A: Thank you. Here’s your _________, $50.

圖文配合: 5%




1.   Mr. Lin bought some milk and bread.

2.   The computer store is on Park Road.

3.   Does Cathy like comic books? Yes, she does.

4.   Did Mary call Tom? Yes, she did.

5.   The bookstore is on the corner of First Street and Love Road.

從打X出發,根據提示畫出路線圖,並回答問題:  5%

   Go one block and turn right. Then go three blocks and turn left.
   Go one block and turn

   Left again. Then go three blocks and turn right. Where are you?

如上圖,park走到bookstore請用英文說明: 5%.

翻譯 10%:

Play,  for,  in,  at,  on,  how many,  how much,  bad,  hundred,  dollar

Twenty,  dollars,  playing,  good,  thousand,  thirty,  from,  turn, turned

 1.王先生花了多少錢?  _______ _______ did Mr. Wang spend?

 2.他從他家出發然後在市場路左轉.They started _______ his home
    and _______ left _____

   Market Road.

 3.我昨天生病了!我過了倒霉的一天. I was sick. I had a _______ day.

 4.我喜歡看籃球比賽. I enjoyed _________ basketball games.

 5.$725  seven _______ and ________-five __________



聽力測驗: 20%