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台南市忠孝國中八十八學年度第二學期英語科第一次段考試卷 ( 1 )

三年______班 考號 _____ 姓名 ___________

一 . 文意字彙 : ( 20% )

____________ 1. In the future, everything in the house might be c__________d by the computer.
____________ 2. Going hiking is good e_________e.
____________ 3. In Taiwan, many people died of c________r.
____________ 4. Listening to music can help us r_______x.
____________ 5. How many kilos have you g__________d these days? 2 kilos.
____________ 6. The weather r________t says that there will be a typhoon in a few days.
____________ 7. Who w______e you up this morning? My mom did.
____________ 8. Television has become one of the most important i___________s today.
____________ 9. John was listening to the r_______o when I came back.
____________10. What school do you want to a______d after you graduate?

二. 克漏字填充 : (10%)

Andy speaks English better than all the (1)________students in his class. Sue is Andy's classmate, so she asked him (2)_______he had a special (3)(w)________ to learn English or (4) _______he learned his English. The following is (5)_______ he told her.
I wake (6)_________ in the early morning and watch an English class on TV. Then I eat (7)(b)___________ and go to school (8)__________ time. I always get to school right at seven. I review my English lesson (9)(a)_________class, and I concentrate (10)__________learning in every English class.

三. 文意選擇 : (10%)

A : How much do you (1)______now, Peter? B : 80 kilos. I'm really too heavy.
A : Maybe you should (2)________. B : I think (3)________ you're right. But (4)_______
is not easy for me to do it. A : Why not?
B : There is so much delicious food around, so I really can't (5)___________.
( ) 1. (1) pay (2) take (3) weigh (4) weight
( ) 2. (1) eat more every day (2) get more exercise (3) go jogging or running (4) go on a diet
( ) 3. (1) which (2) that (3) when (4) if
( ) 4. (1) this (2) that (3) it (4) there
( ) 5. (1) do you good (2) hurt your health (3) criticize others (4) make up my mind

四. 文法選擇 : (20%)

( ) 1. John has two brothers. One is a doctor, and _______ is a businessman.
(1) other (2) the other (3) others (4) the others
( ) 2. The second-hand smoke will hurt __________ health.
(1) other (2) others (3) others' (4) other's
( ) 3. My father has made his mind ___________.
(1) quit smoke (2) to quit to smoke (3) to quit smoking (4) quitting smoke
( ) 4. Some students study hard; _________ don't.
(1) other (2) others (3) the other (4) the others
( ) 5. John used to _________ his bike to school.
(1) ride (2) riding (3) rode (4) rides
( ) 6. I'd like to know if he __________to the party next week.
(1) will come (2) comes (3) came (4) coming
( ) 7. I don't really understand ________ he said.
(1) which (2) that (3) what (4) whose
( ) 8. _______ your own health, please go on a diet.
(1) On (2) From (3) For (4) Under
( ) 9. I ________ John the other day.
(1) meet (2) will meet (3) have met (4) met
( )10. Of all the students in my class, Mary is __________.
(1) good (2) better (3) best (4) the best

五. 完成句子與釋義 : (10%)

( ) 1. Do you know ______________?
(1) who is that man (2) where does she live (3) what happened to him (4) how much is it
( ) 2. Whether it __________ tomorrow or not, we will go hiking.
(1) will rain (2) rain (3) rains (4) is raining
( ) 3. I'd like to know __________________.
(1) who did you see yesterday (2) where are you going (3) why didn't you come (4) whether he will come to the party
( ) 4. Ted hasn't heard from Mary for a long time.
(1) Ted hasn't got Mary's letter since a long time ago.
(2) Ted hasn't met Mary for a long time.
(3) Mary didn't know Ted, but now she does.
(4) Ted has heard about Mary these days.
( ) 5. The shoes are too small for me to wear.
(1) The shoes are too small, but I still can put them on.
(2) I'll put on the shoes if they are small.
(3) I don't know whether the shoes are small or not.
(4) The shoes are so small that I can't put them on.

六. 依提示作答 : (10%) ( 每題2分,錯一字扣 1分 )

1. The car is very expensive.
I can't buy it. ( 用 too ..... to...... 合併兩句 )
2. These questions are very difficult.
We can't answer them. ( 用 too ..... to...... 合併兩句 )
3. Which team won the game?
I'd like to know. ( 用 I'd 開頭,將兩句合併 )
4. Who's the girl wearing a red dress?
Do you know? ( 用 Do you 開頭,將兩句合併 )
5. Some people can't live without computers.
We've found it out. ( 用 ..... that ........ 合併兩句 )

七. 中翻英 :( 20% ) ( 每題4分,錯一字扣1分 )

1. 控制體重最好的方法就是每天做運動。
2. 節食對我來說並不很容易。
3. 抽煙不但會傷害我們自己的健康,也會傷害別人的健康。( ...not only ....but also......)
4. 我爸爸以前常在早餐後看報紙。
5. 在所有的發明中,電視改變了我們的生活最多。