Lesson  1     Individual Noun, Article & Proper Noun               
Lesson  2     Adjective of Quality                                  
Lesson  3     Number of Noun                                       
Lesson  4     Sentence : Subject & Predicate                          
Lesson  5     Compound Subject & Compound Predicate               
Lesson  6     Transitive & Intransitive Verb                            
Lesson  7     Auxiliary Verb                                        
Lesson  8     Personal Pronoun                                  
Lesson  9     Incomplete Intransitive Verb & Subjective Complement
Lesson 10    Incomplete Transitive Verb & Objective Complement  
Lesson 11    Preposition                                       
Lesson 12    Demonstrative Adjective & Pronoun                    
Lesson 13    Possessive Adjective & Pronoun                   
Lesson 14    Proper Adjective                                    
Lesson 15    Possessive Noun                                 
Lesson 16    Adverb                                           
Lesson 17    Material & Abstract Noun                             
Lesson 18    Numeral & Quantitative Adjective                      
Lesson 19    The Difference between "Have" & "There is"    
Lesson 20    Interrogative Pronoun & Adjective                      
Lesson 21    Simple Present & Simple Past Tense                  
Lesson 22    Present Perfect Tense                                
Lesson 23    Direct & Indirect Object                             
Lesson 24    Emphatic & Reflexive Pronoun                          
Lesson 25    Gender                                            
Lesson 26    Simple Future Tense                                
Lesson 27    Indefinite Pronoun 
Lesson 28    Indefinite Adjective
Lesson 29    Clause                                            
Lesson 30    Noun Clause                                      
Lesson 31    Adjective Clause                                   
Lesson 32    Past Perfect Tense                                 
Lesson 33    Future Perfect Tense                               
Lesson 34    Continuous Tense                                  
Lesson 35    Passive Voice
Lesson 36    Adverb Clause
Lesson 37    Comparison of Adjective
Lesson 38    Comparison of Adverb
Lesson 39    Infinitive
Lesson 40    Some Uses of Infinitive
Lesson 41    Verbal Noun
Lesson 42    Gerund
Lesson 43    Verbal Adjective
Lesson 44    Participle
Lesson 45    Conjunction
Lesson 46    Imperative Mood
Lesson 47    Some Uses of "It"
Lesson 48    Cognate Object
Lesson 49    Appositive
Lesson 50    Direct & Indirect Speech
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