與名詞 (名詞除了字尾加 "-s" 來產生複數及加 "省略符號 -s" 來產生所有格外通常不改變型態) 不同的是,人稱代名詞 (代表人事物) 根據它們在句子中不同的用法而改變型態。因此,I 被用做句子的主詞 (I am happy.),me 以不同的方式被用做受詞 (He hit me. He gave me a book. Do this for me.),而 my 被用做所有格 (That's my car.)。其他人稱代名詞亦然:單數的 you 和 he/she/it 以及複數的 we,you 和 they。這些型態被稱為「格」;請參考人稱代名詞的格。
What 通常也是當不定關係代名詞用:
- She will tell you what you need to know.
不定代名詞 (Indefinite Pronouns)
不定代名詞 (everybody/anybody/somebody/all/each/every/some/none) 無法代替特定的名詞,但它們的功能是當名詞用:Everyone is wondering if any is left.
我們在使用不定代名詞時所遭遇的主要困難之一是,"everybody" 讓人覺得它是指一個人以上,但卻使用單數動詞 (Everybody is accounted for.)。如果你把這個字想成意謂「每一個體」(every single body),這項困惑和混淆往往就消失無蹤了。再者,不定代名詞 none 可以是單數或複數,視上下文而定。some 也可以是單數或複數,視它是指可數或不可數名詞而定。
enough, few, fewer, less, little, many, much, several, more, most, all, both, every, each, any, either, neither, none, some
- Few will be chosen; fewer will finish.
- Little is expected.
加強語氣代名詞 (Intensive Pronouns)
加強語氣代名詞 (如 myself, yourself, herself, ourselves, themselves) 是由人稱代名詞加 self 或 selves 所組成,係在強調名詞:I myself don't know the answer. 加強語氣代名詞可能放在它所指的名詞前面,但這相當罕見:Myself, I don't believe a word he says.
反身代名詞 (Reflexive Pronouns)
反身代名詞 (字型與加強語氣代名詞一樣) 表示句子的主詞也接受動詞的動作:Students who cheat on this quiz are only hurting themselves. You paid yourself a million dollars? She encouraged herself to do well.
Juanita, Carlos, and I have deceived ourselves into believing in my uncle.
You and Carlos have deceived yourselves.
不定代名詞 one 有其自己的反身代名詞 ("One must have faith in oneself."),但其他不定代名詞則以 himself 或 themselves 做為反身代名詞。專家的建議:使用複數的反身代名詞以避免累贅的 himself 或 herself 結構。
- No one here can blame himself or herself.
- The people here cannot blame themselves.
注意:目前有一種趨勢,那就是不當和不必要地使用反身代名詞及加強語氣代名詞。Bob and myself I are responsible for this decision. These decisions will be made by myself me. |
疑問代名詞 (Interrogative Pronouns)
疑問代名詞 (who/which/what) 引導疑問句:What is that? Who will help me? Which do you prefer? Which 通常用在比 what 更特定的情況。假設我們參加一項測驗,如果我問 "Which questions give you the most trouble?",我指的是測驗中的特定問題。如果我問 "What questions give you most trouble"?,我是問何種問題最讓你頭痛。疑問代名詞亦可做為限定詞:It doesn't matter which beer you buy. He doesn't know whose car he hit. 在這種限定詞角色中,它們有時也被稱為疑問形容詞 (interrogative adjectives)。
- I already told the detective what I know about it.
- We know who is guilty of this crime.
相互代名詞 (Reciprocal Pronouns)
相互代名詞就是 each other 和 one another。相互代名詞是一種讓你將相同觀念結合的便利工具。如果 Bob gave Alicia a book for Christmas and Alicia gave Bob a book for Christmas,我們可以說 they gave each other books (或 they gave books to each other)。再舉一例:My mother and I give each other a hard time. 如果是兩個人以上,我們可以說 they gave one another books. 相互代名詞也可使用所有格型態:They borrowed each other's ideas. The scientists in this lab often use one another's equipment.
基本原則:一個代名詞通常是指句子中先前部分的人事物 (它的先行詞),所以在數方面 -- 單數或複數 -- 必須與先行詞一致。
1.不定代名詞 anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, 和 nobody 永遠是單數。 這有時會令一些寫作者感到困惑,因為他們認為尤其是 everyone 和 everybody 應該是指一個人以上。either 和 neither 的情況亦然,它們也永遠是單數,即使它們似乎是指兩件事。
2.代名詞與其先行詞必須一致的要求,可能產生性別問題。例如,如果有人這樣寫:"A student must see his counselor before the end of the semester.",當其中有女學生時,這可能產生不必要的困擾。在這種情況中,我們可以使用複數來避免此種問題:
Students must see their counselors before the end of the semester.
A student must see his or her counselor. . . .
然而,太多的 his 和 her 最終可能變得令人厭煩,而讀者也會發現該寫作者的功力也不過如此而已。
3.為了遵照第 2 項規則,可能引發許多無意義的爭論。一般廣泛認為像 "Somebody has left their bag on the floor." 這樣的句子是正確的 -- 截至20世紀末仍被視為是正確的。但許多人反對這樣的寫法,因為 somebody 是單數,而 their 是複數。然而,把 their 這個字當做非特定性別 (中性) 的單數代名詞使用的人比比皆是,包括英國名小說家奧絲汀 (Jane Austen)、桂冠詩人史賓塞 (Edmund Spenser)、莎士比亞 (William Shakespeare) 及其他文學泰斗;事實上,這種單數的 "they"/"their"/"them"/"themselves" 結構在他們著作中俯拾即是。牛津英語辭典 [Oxford English Dictionary (OED)] 中也經常可以見到 "單數的 their" 的例句。
4.記住:當代名詞與其他人事物複合時,我們不必改變代名詞的型態。恪遵這個規則往往產生「聽起來不是很好的」句子。如果你寫了這樣一個句子 "This money is for me.",當有其他人參與其中時,你不可寫成 "This money is for Fred and I."。試試下面的句子:
- This money is for him and me.
- This arrangement is between Fred and him.
5.英文文法中,最常被問到的問題之一是,如何正確使用代名詞 who 的各種型態:who, whose, whom, whoever, whomever。這個代名詞 (及其伴隨的動詞) 的數 (單數或複數) 是由此代名詞所指的人來決定;他可以指一個人或一群人:
- The person who hit my car should have to pay to fix the damages.
- The people who have been standing in line the longest should get in first.
將 who 的各個型態與代名詞 he 和 they 的各個型態做個比較對我們可能也有幫助。它們的型態是相似的:
主格 |
所有格 |
受格 |
單數 |
who |
whose |
whom |
複數 |
who |
whose |
whom |
為了正確使用 who 的各個型態,我們最好改寫句子以便在 he 和 him 之間作一選擇。如果你要的是 him,那就寫 whom;如果你要的是 he,那就寫 who。
- Who do you think is responsible? (Do you think he is responsible?)
- Whom shall we ask to the party? (Shall we ask him to the party?)
- Give the box to whomever you please. (Give the box to him.)
- Whoever shows up first will win the prize. (He shows up first.)
大多數寫作者在使用 whose 時所發生的唯一問題是將它與 who's 搞混了;who's 看起來像個所有格,但實際上是 who is 的縮寫。就跟我們不可將 his 和 he's ( he is 或 he has 的縮寫) 混為一談一樣,我們也不可將 whose 和 who's 搞混了。
- Who's that walking down the street?
- Whose coat is this?
- I don't care whose paper this is. It's brilliant!