文法寫作 |
Verbs and Verbals
定義 (Definition) |
動詞在句子中表達 doing (動作) 或 being (狀態) 的觀念;前者是有意義的動作,而後者是「無意義的」:"I am a student.", "The students passed all their courses." 動詞有多種分類方式。有些動詞需要受詞來完成它們的意思:She gave ____ ? Gave what? She gave money to the church. 這些動詞被稱為及物動詞 (transitive verbs)。不及物動詞 (intransitive verbs) 不需要受詞:The building collapsed. 然而,動詞可以是及物與不及物兼而有之:The monster collapsed the building by sitting on it. |
連綴動詞 (Linking Verbs) |
連綴動詞 (連綴動詞的英文有時也叫做 copulas) 係連接主詞及其補語。連綴動詞通常是 be動詞的型態,但有時是與五官有關的動詞 (look, sound, smell, feel, taste)及反映某種狀態的動詞 (appear, seem, become, grow, turn, prove, remain)。連綴動詞後面接名詞補語或形容詞補語:
- Those people are all professors.
- Those professors are brilliant.
"This is he." |
講到連綴動詞,我們不得不談一個經常被問到的問題;那就是,當你拿起聽筒聽電話時,對方說要找你,那麼你該怎麼回答才算正確? 正確的回答之一是:"This is he [she]." 連綴動詞後面的敘述語應是主格 (主詞) 型態 -- 絕對不是 "This is him." 如果你覺得 "This is he." 聽起來過於拘束,那麼你可以用 "Speaking" 取代之,或者說 "This is John." (把 John 換成你的名字) -- 除非是收帳的人或電話推銷員打來的電話,否則 "This is John." 對每個人 (名叫 John 的人除外) 來說都是一項很好的回答。 |
主動與被動語態 (Active and Passive Voices) |
動詞有主動語態 (The teacher pounded on the desk.) 和被動語態 (The desk was pounded on by the teacher.) 之分。被動語態本身並無錯誤之處,但如果你能用主動語態來說同一件事情,那麼就要盡量使用主動語態。用被動語態寫出來的句子予人一種寫作不用心的感覺。然而,並非所有被動結構都是不好的。在下面兩種情況中,被動語態特別有用 (甚至是必要的):
- 當情況中做動作的人不詳時:The English instructor was killed during the early morning hours.
- 當情況中做動作的人不重要時:A grammar book was dropped onto his head from the seventh floor.
語氣 (Moods) |
動詞的語氣是指寫作者或說話者對所寫或所說的句子所抱持的三種態度之一。敘述 (事實) 語氣 (indicative mood) 被用來做陳述或問問題。祈使語氣 (imperative mood) 被用在需要下命令、指示及給予強烈建議的場合。
- Get your homework done before you watch television tonight.
- Please include cash payment with your order form.
- Get out of town!
注意:這些句子都沒有主詞。在祈使句中,代名詞 you (單數或複數 -- 視上下文而定) 為「不言可喻的主詞」。幾乎所有祈使句都具有第二人稱 (單數或複數) 主詞。唯一的例外是第一人稱結構,它以受格型態當主詞:"Let's (or Let us) work on these things together."
假設語氣 (subjunctive mood) 被用在從屬子句中,它的作用如下:1. 表達一項願望 2.以 if 做開頭,表達一種不存在的情況 3. 以 as if 和 as though 做開頭,這類子句在敘述一項臆測或與事實相反的情況 4. 以 that 做開頭,表達一項需求、要求、需要或建議。我們有一頁專門討論條件語氣的動詞型態;這應可幫助讀者更瞭解假設語氣。
- She wishes her boyfriend were here.
- If Juan were more aggressive, he'd make a good baseball player.
- We would have passed if we had studied harder.
- He acted as if he were guilty.
- I requested that he be present at the hearing.
紐約公立圖書館 (New York Public Library) 出版的 Guide to Style and Usage 對假設語氣有這樣一段重要的註釋:"if, as if 或 as though 並非總是表示假設語氣。如果這種子句的資訊指出一種 現在或過去可能發生的情況,那麼動詞應為敘述語氣。敘述句告訴讀者附屬子句中的資訊可能是真實的。" |
- He demanded that his students use two-inch margins.
- She suggested that we be on time tomorrow.
假設語氣的過去式跟敘述語氣的動詞型態一樣,但 be 動詞除外,後者不管主詞為單數或複數都使用 were:
- If I were seven feet tall, I'd be a great basketball player.
- He wishes he were a better student.
助動詞 (Auxiliary or Helping Verbs) |
助動詞與語氣助動詞 (modal auxiliaries) 所引起的問題,我們在特別開闢的一頁中有詳盡的討論。請按這裡一下前往。 |
片語動詞 (Phrasal Verbs) |
片語動詞包含一個動詞和另一個字或片語,通常是介系詞。它們通常是因非正式的使用而產生,最後再融入英語的主流應用。片語動詞可以同時具有及物 (Our boss called off the meeting. She looked up her old boyfriend.) 和不及物 (The children were sitting around, doing nothing. The witness finally broke down on the stand.) 的意思。在這種結構中,與動詞結合的字 (通常為介系詞) 被稱為質詞 (particle)。
片語動詞的問題是,它們的意思不易掌握,而且它們往往有多個不同的意思。例如,to make out 意為理解、發現,但它也有接吻和愛撫、性交的意思。如果某人 turns up the street,這是一個動詞加一個介系詞的組合,但它不是片語動詞。相對地,如果你的鄰居意外地 turn up (出現) at a party 或 你的弟弟 turns up his radio, 它們是片語動詞。據了解, to come out 就有 18 個不同的意思。
動詞可以跟不同的介系詞及其他字結合,有時讓我們丈二金剛,頭暈目眩:stand out, stand up, stand in, stand off, stand by, stand fast, stand pat, stand down, stand against, stand for. 再者,動詞及與其連接的字或片語又並非總是緊緊相鄰:如 "Fill this out," 和 "Fill out this form." 我們有一頁臚列了常見的片語動詞,你可以按這裡一下前往。 |
使役動詞 (Causative Verbs) |
使役動詞是指使另一個動作發生的動詞。在 "The devil made me do it." 這個句子中,動詞 "made" 使 "do" 發生。這裡列出常見的使役動詞供讀者參考 (未依字母順序排列):let, make, help, allow, have, require, motivate, get, convince, hire, assist, encourage, permit, employ, force。大多數使役動詞後面都接受詞 (名詞或代名詞) 再接不定詞:"She allows her pet cockatiel to perch on the windowsill. She hired a carpenter to build a new birdcage."
有三個使役動詞是上述模式的例外。這三個使役動詞 have, make 和 let 後面接名詞或代名詞,在接原形動詞。
- Professor Villa had her students read four short novels in one week.
- She also made them read five plays in one week.
- However, she let them skip the final exam.
時態 (Tenses) |
時態是指動詞之動作或狀態的時間。動詞靠字尾的變化產生三種時態或時式。現在式 (present tense) 是指事情發生在現在:"She is a student. She drives a new car." 簡單過去式 (simple past tense) 是指事情發生在過去:"She was a student. She drove a new car." 而過去分詞 (past participle) 與助動詞結合來指事情發生在另一動作之前的過去:"She has been a student. She had driven a new car." 與其他大多數語言不同的是,英語的未來式沒有字形變化。反之,英語的未來式係動詞與助動詞結合而產生:"She will be a student. She is going to drive a new car." 英語甚至可以用現在式 ("The bus arrives later this afternoon.") 或現在進行式 ("He is relocating to Kaohsiung later next month.") 來產生未來式。 |
進行式動詞 (Progressive Verbs) |
進行式 (progressive tense) 是指事情現在、過去或未來「正在」發生, 它們是由現在分詞 (Ving) 與不同的助動詞結合而成:"She is driving. She was driving. She will be driving. She has been driving. She had been driving. She will have been driving." 有些動詞 -- 稱為狀態動詞 (有時包括 be動詞) -- 不能有進行式。我們有一頁專門討論狀態與動態動詞 (stative and dynamic verbs) 之間的差異。 |
不規則動詞 (Irregular Verbs) |
大多數的英文動詞都是在原形動詞後面加 ed 來產生簡單過去式和過去分詞,亦即它們的時態變化具有規則性:he walked; he has walked. 然而,有為數不少的所謂不規則動詞,你必須「給我記住」-- 它們包括一些非常常用的動詞,如 to be 和 to have。 |
時態的一致(Sequence of Tenses) |
時態的一致:主要主句的動詞與從屬子句的動詞之間的關係非常重要。這些動詞時態不必完全一樣,只要它們在邏輯上能合理地反應時間和意思的變化就可以了:"My brother had graduated before I started college." "My brother will have graduated before I start." 按這裡一下,我們有一頁專門討論不同的時間關係以及這些關係如何決定出適當的動詞時態一致性。 |
動狀詞(Verbals) |
動狀詞是指似乎帶有動作或狀態的觀念,但不是作為真正動詞的字。它們有時被稱為「非限定」(未完成或不完整) 動詞。然而,由於時間是所有動詞型態的決定性因素,不管限定 (finite) 或非限定 (nonfinite) 動詞,我們必須遵循正確的時態一致。按這裡一下,我們有一個表格專門敘述在不同的時間因素下如何使用正確的動狀詞型態。動狀詞通常與其他相關字連接來組成動狀詞片語 (verbal phrase)。
我們有一頁專門討論動狀詞如何與其他字連接來組成片語。請務必前往令人賞心悅目的片語花園。 |
分詞 (participle):一種作為形容詞用的動詞型態。The running dog chased the fluttering moth. 現在分詞 (如 running)敘述現在的情況;過去分詞則敘述已經發生的事情:"The completely rotted tooth finally fell out of his mouth."
不定詞 (infinitive):不定詞是由 to 加原形動詞所構成:to sleep, to dream。現在(式)不定詞 (present infinitive) 敘述現在的情況:"I like to sleep." 完成(式)不定詞 (perfect infinitive) 敘述比動詞還要早的時間:"I would like to have won that game."
不定詞可以分開 |
所謂不定詞可以分開是指將「to + 動詞 + 副詞」的句型寫成「to + 副詞 + 動詞」,如將 " to go boldly" 寫成 " to boldly go" 。最新一版的「現代實用美語字典」(Dictionary of Modern American Usage)指出,現在容許將不定詞分開。這本由牛津大學出版社 (Oxford University Press) 出版的字典1997年在英國銷售時曾引起英國英語界一片譁然。1998年11月初它在華盛頓發行,同樣引起激烈的辯論.若干傳統派英語學者對此頗不以為然;耶魯大學英語教授 Leslie Brisman 說:「這令我困惱。優雅與不優雅的英語之間仍有不同的標準。」但其他許多語言學家和文法學者認為,這一變化只是承認了一項已經普遍使用的英文文法。
反對不定詞可以分開的論點是, 不定詞是單一個體 (其實並無可考證的歷史),所以不應被分開。由於分開的不定詞會激怒許多讀者,而且它很容易被發現,所以優秀的寫作者 -- 至少在學術文章的寫作中 -- 都避免將不定詞分開。在目前的環境中,例如, "She expected her grandparents to not stay." 這個句子,最好還是寫成 "She expected her grandparents not to stay." 然而,有時避免分開的不定詞並不值得。像下面這樣的句子真的並無任何錯誤或可議之處:
He thinks he'll be able to more than double his salary this year. |
英語教師對於不定詞是否可以分開迄今仍然意見紛歧。現今的字典允許我們將不定詞分開,但它應以不犧牲優雅為原則:留學生及在外商公司任職的人士最聰明的作法是,事先瞭解指導教授及上司對此事的看法或傾向以決定在寫作時要不要將不定詞分開。 |
動名詞和不定詞皆可做名詞使用。我們特別開闢一頁來討論它們的用法,這對想要瞭解為何有些動詞後面接動名詞,有些動詞後面接不定詞,有些動詞後面可以兩者兼而有之的學生應該相當有幫助。此外,我們也討論了不定詞做形容詞補語的用法。請按下面的按鈕進入。 |
動名詞 (gerund):一種字尾加 ing 的動詞型態,當作名詞使用。Running in the park after dark can be dangerous. 動名詞通常接其他相關字組成動名詞片語 ("running the park after dark")。
- 當主詞:Being king can be dangerous for your health.
- 當動詞的受詞:He didn't particularly like being king.
- 當介系詞的受詞:He wrote a book about being king.
簡單式 |
- We had planned to watch all the events of the Olympics.
- Seeing those athletes perform is always a great thrill.
完成式 |
- The women's hockey team hoped to have won a gold medal before they were done.
- We were thrilled about their having been in contention in the world championships before.
被動式 |
- To be chosen as an olympian must be the biggest thrill in any athlete's life.
- Being chosen, however, is probably not enough.
完成被動式 |
- The women did not seem satisfied simply to have been selected as players.
- Having been honored this way, they went out and earned it by winning the gold.
完成進行式不定詞 |
- To have been competing at that level, at their age already, was quite an accomplishment.
雖然動名詞與不定詞通常具有完全相同的意思 ("Running in the park after dark can be dangerous" 和 "To run in the park after dark can be dangerous"),但有時它們的意思還是有所不同。動名詞被用來敘述「真實的、明顯的或實現的動作」,而不定詞最好被用來敘述「可能的、假定的或未來的事件」。這尤其適用於三種動詞:情緒的動詞,完成/未完成的動詞和記憶的動詞。
情緒 (情感) |
真實的事件 |
可能的事件 |
I hated practicing my violin while the other kids were playing outside. |
I prefer to work during the day. |
完成/未完成 |
真實的事件 |
可能的事件 |
We began working on this project two years ago. We finished working on this project a month ago. (finish 後面一定接動名詞) |
We will continue to work on this project for the next four months. I wonder when we will start to wrap up this project. |
(如 remember, forget, regret) |
Juanita forgot to do her homework.
(意謂 Juanita 沒有做家庭作業,因為她忘了做) |
Juanita forgot doing her homework.
(意謂 Juanita 已做完家庭作業,但她忘記她已做完家庭作業) |
Guide to Grammar and Writing