事實 vs. 非事實或假設
在表達一種條件的情況時,我們必須區分何者是事實的敘述,而何者是假設的敘述 (其他可表達假設意思的用語包括非事實、想像等)。例如,如果我們說
- "The dog is always happy if Dad stays home."
- "If the sun shines all day, it gets hot."
- "If we ate out at all, it was always in a cheap restaurant."
- "I will give you a call, if I fly to Phoenix tomorrow.
在未來式中,我們也可以使用其他語氣助動詞 -- may, might, could -- 再加原形動詞 (本例為 "give")。這些助動詞並非表示時間的現在、過去或未來,而是語氣上的變化。
- If you liked tennis, we could go play on the new courts.
(在這個句子中,我們也可以使用 would 或 might 來取代 could。) 即使說這個句子的人使用過去式的 "liked",但他並不是在說過去的事情。事實上,說話者是在暗示你不喜歡 (don't like) 網球 (現在的事實),所以現在也就不會有去新網球場打球的情況發生。
為了表達非事實、假設、猜測和想像 (這些語詞在條件語氣中指的都是相同的東西),英語採用一種有趣的方式,那就是將時間退後一步。這牽涉到兩個動詞:一是敘述條件的子句 ("if" 子句) 中的動詞,另一是結果子句中的動詞。現在讓我們來看看這些動詞如何變化。
- If the Bulls win the game tomorrow, they will be champs again.
- If the Bulls won another championship, Roberto would drive into Chicago for the celebration.
- I wish I had tickets.
- If they were available anywhere, I would pay any price for them.
- If he were a good friend, he would buy them for me.
注意:wish (希望,但願) 永遠是一種非事實的情況。再注意:be 動詞在非事實情況中都要變成 were 。等一下我們還會做更詳細的討論。
對過去非事實的事件 -- 過去未發生,但我們可以想像的事情 -- 而言,我們再將條件子句的動詞退後一步,變成過去完成式:
- If the Pacers had won, Aunt Glad would have been rich.
- If she had bet that much money on the Bulls, she and Uncle Chester could have retired.
- I wish I had lived in Los Angeles when the Lakers were good.
- If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.
在最後一個句子中,請注意條件子句是使用過去完成式 (had known),而結果子句是使用條件語氣助動詞 + have + 主要動詞的過去分詞 (would have baked) -- 這是語氣助動詞的過去式寫法。
若干寫作者似乎認為假設語氣正逐漸從英語中消失,但這可能是「非事實」。我們一直使用假設語氣來配合人類這種表達可能、假設和想像的需要。你可以溫習「動詞與動狀詞」中有關假設語氣的敘述,相信對你瞭解假設語氣會有所幫助。再提醒一次:在條件句中我們將 be 動詞改為 were 來表達假設語氣,這種假設語氣也是最常見的假設語氣。
- If my brother were my boss, I wouldn't have a job today.
- If I were to lose my job, I wouldn't be able to pay my bills. [注意:這句在語氣上比 "If I lose my job, I won't be able to pay my bills." 更不確定。]
- If I were eight feet tall, I'd be one heck of a basketball player. [假設語氣有時在表達純粹想像的情況。]
- If I should grow to be eight feet tall, I'd be a great basketball player. [這項敘述似乎更加天馬行空,更不可能。]
Would 和 Could
在表達非事實時,結果子句需要 would, could 或 will。條件子句不使用這些助動詞 ;反之,條件子句的動詞在時間上較結果子句後退一步 (下面我們會以表格方式將它們的時式變化列出來,以方便讀者參考)。
未來條件語氣 VS. 假設條件語氣
當我們想要預測未來的條件事件 (我們認為可能發生的事情) 時,我們可以在 if 子句中使用現在式,而在結果子句中使用 will 或 be going to + 原形動詞。
- If Jeffrey grows any taller, the basketball coach is going to recruit him for the team.
- If he doesn't grow more, the coach will ignore him.
- If I boxed against Evander Holyfield, he would kill me.
- If my dad had been seven feet tall instead of less than six feet tall, he would have been a great athlete.
條件句也可以主詞和動詞對調的倒裝法來表示。這一倒裝取代了 "if" 這個字;所以,在同一句子中同時使用 "if" 這個字以及主詞和動詞對調的倒裝是不對的。
- Were Judita a better student, she would have a better relationship with her instructors.
- Had Judita studied harder last fall, she would not have to take so many courses this spring.
下列表格根據 if 子句中所表達的時間將條件句的用法分成三類:(1) 現在事實或未來事實或未來可能的事實;(2) 非事實或與現在事實相反;(3) 非事實或與過去事實相反。注意:條件子句的時間要退後一步。
現在事實 |
if 子句 |
獨立子句 |
現在的事實或常理 |
If + 主詞 + 現在式 |
主詞 + 現在式 |
If Judita works hard, |
she gets good grades. |
未來事實 |
If + 主詞 + 現在式 |
主詞 + 未來式 |
If Judita hands in her paper early tomorrow, |
she'll probably get an A. |
未來可能的事實 |
If + 主詞 + 現在式 |
主詞 + 語氣助動詞 + 原形動詞 |
If Judita hands in her paper early tomorrow, |
she may/might/could/should get an A. |
現在非事實 |
if 子句 |
獨立子句 |
If + 主詞 + 過去式 |
主詞 + would/could/might + 簡單式動詞 |
If Judita worked this hard in all her courses, |
she would/could/might get on the Dean's List. |
If + 主詞 + be 動詞 |
主詞 + would/could/might + 簡單式動詞 |
If Judita were president of her class, |
she could work to reform the grading policy. |
過去非事實 |
if 子句 |
獨立子句 |
If + 主詞 + 過去完成式 |
主詞 + 語氣助動詞 + have + 過去分詞 |
If Judita had worked this hard in all her courses, |
she would not have failed this semester. |