文法寫作 |
Modifier Placement
基本原則:修飾語就像鄰家少年少女的戀愛,「近」水樓台先得月。請確定它們鄰近它們所要修飾的詞句。 |
- 錯置的修飾語:若干修飾語,尤其是簡單的修飾語 -- only, just, nearly, barely -- 經常被放在句子中錯誤的位置。(在下面的句子中,"barely kick" 是什麼意思?)
丈二金剛 |
He barely kicked that ball twenty meters.
那個球他僅踢了二十公尺。(中英文的差異由此可見一斑) |
修路工人 |
He kicked that ball barely twenty meters. |
- 不連結的修飾語 (dangling modifier):當我們以一個修飾用的字、片語或子句來做一個句子的開頭時,我們必須確定其後的詞句可以被該修飾語所修飾。當一個修飾語不當地修飾某個詞句時,這個修飾語就被稱為「不連結的修飾語」。這通常發生在以分詞片語 (participial phrases) 做開頭的情況,使得「不連結分詞」成為一種相當常見的現象。在下面的句子中,我們不可能擁有一部能自己更換機油的車子
丈二金剛 |
Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, the car seemed to run better. |
修路工人 |
Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, Fred found he could get much better gas mileage. |
一個後面接虛詞結構 (expletive construction) -- it, there -- 的分詞片語通常也是不連結分詞。這種有嚴重瑕疵的句子可以藉著將分詞片語改為具有主詞和動詞的完全子句來加以修正。 |
丈二金剛 |
Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, there is an easy way to keep your car running smoothly. |
修路工人 |
If we change the oil every 3,000 miles, we can keep our car running smoothly. |
一個後面接被動動詞 (passive verb) 的分詞片語也易於成為不連結分詞,因為句子中真正的主角將被打入冷宮。 |
丈二金剛 |
Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, the car was kept in excellent condition. |
修路工人 |
Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, we kept the car in excellent condition. |
不定詞片語也可能「不連結」。下面的不定詞應該修飾擬訂運動計畫的人。 |
丈二金剛 |
To keep the young recruits interested in getting in shape, an exercise program was set up for the summer months. |
修路工人 |
To keep the young recruits interested in getting in shape, the coaching staff set up an exercise program for the summer months. |
- 雌雄莫辨的修飾語 (squinting modifier):第三個修飾語位置的問題被形容為無法分辨它的「絕對位置」的修飾語 (squinting modifier)。這是因為副詞可以出現在句子中幾乎任何位置所產生的不幸結果。在結構上,副詞的功用大矣,但它的意思可能曖昧不明。例如,在下面的句子中,到底是學生常常請教老師還是請教老師常常讓他們的學業進步呢? 你無法從句子中分辨出來,因為副詞 often 妾身不明 (squinting)。讓我們試著將這個副詞放到別的地方。
丈二金剛 |
Students who seek their instructors' advice often can improve their grades. |
修路工人甲 |
Student who often seek their instructors' advice can improve their grades. |
修路工人乙 |
Students who seek their instructors' advice can often improve their grades. |
Guide to Grammar and Writing