1. |
你給我記住:不定代名詞 (indefinite pronouns) anyone, everyone, someone, no one, nobody 永遠是單數!
- Everyone has done his or her homework.
- Somebody has left her purse.
若干不定代名詞 (如 all, some) 為複數或單數 -- 視其所指的名詞為可數或不可數而定。
- Some of the beads are missing.
- Some of the water is gone.
相對地,none 這個不定代名詞可為單數或複數都沒關係,除非句子中有別的人事物來決定它的數。
- None of you claims responsibility for this incident?
- None of you claim responsibility for this incident?
- None of the students have done their homework. (在最後這個例子中,their 這個字告訴你要使用複數動詞,不能使用單數動詞。)
2. |
你給我記住:若干不定代名詞特別麻煩:everyone 和 everybody, 它們讓我們覺得我們好像是在談論一個人以上,所以應該使用複數動詞;而 each 的後面通常接以複數字做結尾的介系詞片語,這經常困擾我們對動詞的選擇。
Everyone has finished his or her homework.
記住:你一定要說 "Everybody is here." 這意謂這個字是單數,沒有什麼事情會改變此一事實。
Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her work in the library.
別讓 "students" 給迷惑了;主詞是 each,而 each 永遠是單數:Each is responsible.
3. |
你給我記住:together with, as well as 和 along with 等片語與 and 並不相同.
- The mayor as well as his brothers is going to prison.
- The mayor and his brothers are going to jail.
由 as well as 或 along with 所引導的片語係修飾前面的字 (本例為 mayor),但它並未使主詞複數化 (而 and 則有使主詞 1+1=2 的複數化作用)。
4. |
你給我記住:neither 和 either 這兩個代名詞永遠是單數,即使就某一方面來說它們似乎是指兩樣事物。
- Neither of the two traffic lights is working.
- Either suit is fine with me.
5. |
你給我記住:連接詞 or 並沒有結合的作用,所以,在使用 or 或 nor 的場合,比較接近動詞的主詞決定了動詞的數。至於主詞是在動詞的前面還是後面則無關緊要。
- Either my father or my brothers are going to sell the house.
- Neither my brothers nor my father is going to sell the house.
- Are either my brothers or my father resposible?
- Is either my father or my brothers responsible?
6. |
你給我記住:there 和 here 永遠、絕對不是主詞。
- There are two reasons [複數主詞] for this.
- There is no reason for this.
- Here are two apples.
7. |
你給我記住:第三人稱、單數主詞 (he, she, it) 的現在式動詞以加 s 做結尾。其他動詞則否。
He loves; she loves;they love . . . .
8. |
The mayor, who has been convicted along with his four brothers on four counts of various crimes but who also seems, like a cat, to have several political lives, is finally going to jail.
9. |
你給我記住:有時當主詞的名詞具有怪異的型態,可能使我們將單數名詞誤以為複數名詞,或將複數名詞誤以為單數名詞。glasses, pants, pliers,和 scissors 等字被視為複數,除非它們的前面有 pair of 這個片語 (此時 pair 這個字就變成了主詞)。
- My glasses were on the bed.
- My pants were torn.
- A pair of trousers is in the closet.
10. |
你給我記住:分數字詞如 half of, a part of, a percentage of, a majority of 有時是單數,有時是複數,視意思而定。(當然,這也適用於 all, any,more, most , some 當主詞的情況。) 數學過程的總和與乘積係以單數來表示。
- Some of the voters are still angry.
- A large percentage of the older population is voting against her.
- Two-fifths of the troops were lost in the battle.
- Two-fifths of the vineyard was destroyed by fire.
- Two and two is four.
- Four times four divided by two is eight.
11. |
你給我記住:有些字以 s 做字尾,但卻是單數。
- The news from the front is bad.
- Measles is a dangerous disease for pregnant women.
相對地,有些以 s 做字尾的字指的是單一事物,但卻是複數。
- My assets were wiped out in the depression.
- The average worker's earnings have gone up dramatically.
- Our thanks go to the workers who supported the union.