
「介詞 above/around/near/by/against/inside/outside +地方」用法

本 單元診斷範圍為「介詞+地方」中「介詞」above/around/near/by/against/inside/outside 的正確使用。本測驗分二部分,第一部分為單題式測驗,測驗學生是否了解該三個介詞在簡單句子中的使用;第二部分為綜合式測驗,以測驗學生是否能整合應用於 實際情境中。本單元後,均附有說明檔──「試題解析」,按相關連結後,即可了解正確用法。若有其它問題,請按每頁所附 e-mail 信箱連絡。

第一部分:單題式練習。請依各題圖示,從 (A)~(G) 中,選出正確介詞,以使全句完整並符合圖示情境。

(A) above (B) against (C) around (D) by (E) inside (F) near (G) outside
1. There a lot of balls       the box.
2. The blue ball is       the box.
3. The yellow ball is       the box.

This is Tom's room.

4. His desk is       the window.

5. The stool and the trash can are       his desk.

6. There is a cupboard       the window.

7. Children usually get red envelopes with money       them.
8. Grandpa doesn't like dogs. Please keep your Lucky       the house. Don't let him in.
9. It's too hot today. The students all sit       the tree, because it is much cooler there.
10. Mr. Wu gets an apartment on the 30th floor because he likes to stand       the window to see outside.

第二部分:綜合式練習。請依圖示及上、下文意,填入正確介詞 above/around/near/by/inside,以使整段短文通順。

There is a beautiful lake  (1)  Hualien City. Its name is Liyu Lake. Many people enjoy riding bicycles  (2)  the lake. If they don't have any bicycles, they can rent (租) them at the stores  (3)  the lake. Besides, some people like to go boating there because they can enjoy the beauty of the lake  (4)  their boats. If people are lucky, they sometimes can see several paragliders flying  (5)  the lake. Why not come and enjoy the nice place for your trip?




「介詞 above/around/near/by/against/inside/outside +地方」說明

above/around/near/by/against/inside/outside 簡單地用中文解釋即可輕易明白它們的意思,分別是:


by:在 ‧‧‧旁邊



aboveon 的差別是,on 有「面與面的接觸」之意(參考「介詞 + 地方(一)」單題式第 2 題),而 above 則是指在某物的上邊,如第 3 題圖示。另外 above 常可以寫成 over,但也不完全是相通的,如「在這條河流上,有著一座橋」,則應寫成 There is a bridge over the river.。

around 有「環繞在某物四周」之意。所以第 9 題,學生為了要乘涼,坐在樹木的周圍。

near/by/against 把它們當成是一組一起說明。這三個中,against 可說是離某物最近的距離,因為如第 4 題所示,書桌是「抵靠著」窗戶,最容易理解者,莫過於「樓梯抵著牆壁」放了;而 by 則離某物有一點點距離,如我們坐在河邊或湖邊等,所以第 10 題,應是站在窗戶邊看外面風景;至於 near 則是三者中最遠的距離了,學生之間常會說到像就樣的一句話:「他就住在我家附近」,從句中意思可以判斷,這個「在‧‧‧附近」,或許是幾十公尺,也或許是一百多公尺。

insideoutside 是互為相反詞。inside 又常可換成 in。小孩在過年收到的是,裡面放在錢的紅包;而阿公不喜歡狗,所以 Lucky 只能待在戶外,不可進入屋內。

依 此意思,即可明瞭單題式中的答案了。至於綜合練習中,鯉魚潭是在花蓮市「附近」,很多人很喜歡騎腳踏車「繞」潭欣賞迷人風光,而沒有腳踏車的人,可以向潭 「邊」的商店租用;且因鯉魚潭景色優美,所以有些人喜歡在坐在船「內」欣賞風景;因地形合適,幸運的話,還可以在潭的「上邊」,看到飛行傘。