§ Prepositional
在英文十類單詞中,介詞 Preposition 是其中一類。
介詞 + 名詞 / 代名詞 = 介詞短語 Prepositional Phrase
當短語當作形容詞來用時,稱為「形容詞短語」Adjective Phrase。
當短語當作副詞來用時,稱為「副詞短語」Adverb Phrase。
當短語當作名詞來用時,稱為「名詞短語」Noun Phrase。
The dog at the door barks.
The old man under the tree is my uncle.
The piano is out of tune.
* "out of"當作一個介詞,這類介詞稱為「短語介詞」
Phrasal Preposition。
John is out of health.
The children make the room out of order.
The children in the garden play.
The leaves of the tree by the bank fall into the river.
* "leaves"是主語的基礎 the base of the subject; "fall"是謂語的基礎
the base of the predicate。
The children play in the garden.
The boat sails before the wind.
She stands between John and me.
* 在介詞短語中的代名詞必須是賓格,要用"me",不可用"I"。
The bird flies over and under the bridge.
Does he travel by rail or steamer?
* 說乘坐交通工具時,介詞用 by 或 on,而交通工具這類字眼前面不需加
冠詞。例如:by bus, by train, by plane, on horse, on bicycle。
He escapes by means of a back window.
* "by means of"當作一個介詞。
You should dress according to your means and position.
* "according to "當作一個介詞。
Mary runs into the house and up the stairs.
May I play ball with you?
He steals a kiss from her.
He kisses his hand to her.
The teacher is kind to me.
He is love-sick on the lovely girl.
* "love-sick"是adjective。
China is famous for her tea and silk.
Are you angry with me?
Are you angry at the dog?
* 生人的氣用"with";生其他東西的氣用" at"。
Are you fond of apples?
Do you like apples?
* "fond"是 adjective,"like"是 verb。
Are you afraid of ghosts?
Do you fear ghosts? ﹝你怕鬼嗎?﹞
* "afraid"是 Adjective, "fear"是 Verb。
They come from among the crowd.
* 兩人之間用"between",三人或以上之中用"among"。介詞短語當作名詞
來使用,稱「名 詞相等物」Noun Equivalent。
I study until after twelve o'clock.
附錄:IS 的意思
"is"通常有兩個意思:1. 解作「是」;2. 解作「在」。
He is rich.
在句子中的"is"解作「是」,屬不完意不及物動詞 Incomplete
Intransitive Verb。
He is here.
在句子中的"is"解作「在」,屬完意不及物動詞 Complete
Intransitive Verb。
The class is in good order.
* "is"解作「是」;"in good order"是形容詞短語。
Mary is in the room.
* "is"解作「在」;"in the room"是副詞短語。
1. 你生他和她的氣嗎?
2. 這個老人替他去嗎?
3. 二隻小鴨跳入河中。
4. 我從這些書中取一本。
5. 你的家接近火車站嗎?
6. 我們用腳走路。
7. 這個好小孩上學去。
8. 在花園裏的花盛放。
9. 我為你歌唱。
10. 我對你歌唱。