§ Cognate
有一種賓語稱為「同源賓語」Cognate Object。
He laughed a scornful laugh to him.
* "laugh" 是不及物動詞,要加 "at" 才可有賓語,但用同源賓語
則不用加 "at"。
The old man sighed a heavy sigh.
They ran a long race.
She lived a happy life.
He smiled a foolish smile.
He died an untimely death.
That sick beggar breathes his last (breath).
* 被最高級形容詞形容的名詞可以隱藏。
The commander-in-chief shouted his loudest (shout).
Do your best (doing).
Try your best (trial).
I dreamed a strange dream.
He has fought a good fight.
We must think good thoughts.
She has sung a good song.
The wind is blowing a gale.
I struck a hard blow.
The bells rang a welcoming peal.
He told the children a tale yesterday.
練習 翻譯:
1. 那病乞丐命在旦夕。
2. 他的父親死於非命。
3. 約翰快樂過一生。
4. 窮人渡日為艱。
5. 那老人徐步而行。
6. 她唱她最好的歌,雖然她膽怯。
7. 總統到達時,各廟堂的鐘皆鳴起歡迎之音。
8. 昨天你到家時正吹著疾風嗎?
9. 他笑了愉快的一笑。
10. 那個乞丐死得很慘嗎?