
Class ______ No.______ Name _____________


  1. 聽力測驗:

PartA:(1)聽錄音帶中的句子,將各句中所提地點之代碼填入圖中 15%

A. Bookstore B. Fast-Food Restaurant C.Post Office D.Tina’s Home E.First Bank

F. Computer Store

First Street




Road Power Company Road 7-Eleven Road Sue’s





Second Street


Park Bike




Market Gym Today A Flower







Third Street

2)回答問題 5% _____________________________________________________________________

3)回答問題 5% _____________________________________________________________________

PartB:根據錄音帶的內容,並參考下列各題的價目表,將對的金額打勾 15%

1 2 3


The Menu

Hamburger $35

Fries L/$30 S/$20

Ice Cream $20

Coke L/$30 S/$20

The Menu

Beef Noodles $80

Fried rice $70

Soda L/$25


Notebook $40

Pen $15

Dictionary $250

Pencil $10








$125 $135 $145


II、文意字彙 20%

1   2   3   4   5  
6   7   8   9   10  



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


IV、填入適當的代名詞 5%

1 2 3 4 5


V、填入 many,或者是 much 5%

1 2 3 4 5


VI、閱讀測驗 10%




I、聽力測驗 40% Class _____ No. _____ Name ____________

II、文意字彙 20%

____________1My parents took me to the Wang’s Restaurant, and I enjoyed the s_____k very much.

____________2Jack was sick yesterday, so he took some m______e after dinner.

____________3Helen’s too heavy. Please don’t give her any d______t .

____________4There are many d______s cakes in the supermarket.

____________5AHow do you go to school every dayBI w____k to school.

____________6The two movie tickets are two h_______d forty dollars.

____________7N________r 12 th is a holiday.

____________8We can buy s______ps in the post office.

____________9Tom’s father is a d______r.

____________10The baseball glove is very cool, and it’s one t_______d dollars.

III、完成句子、對話與釋義 20%

1Susan___________, how can I get to the train stationManYou can take bus number 10.

1Excuse me 2I’m sorry 3Hello 4Mmm

2Clerk___________ BarbaraYes, a large hamburger, please.

1How are you?(2Where are you?(3Are you a student?(4Can I help you

3BobI’m going to the movies this evening._____________ DavidI’m going to the party.

1What about you?(2Where are you?(3Don’t you?(4Anything to drink

4SueThank you very much. Bob____________________

    1. No thank. 2You’re welcome. 3Where ,Where 4I’m fine.

5Tina ordered her lunch,and waited _____ her sister in the restaurant.

    1. to 2on 3for 4in

6Mary went to a flower store. The red flowers were $10 each. The yellow flowers were $5 each

Mary bought five red flowers and five yellow flowers. She gave the clerk $100. How much

was the change?(1$15 2$25 3$35 4$5

7BrianMom, did you buy any bread Mom_______________________

    1. Yes, I bought many. 2Yes, I bought any. 3Yes, I bouget a lot of. 4Yes, I bought some.

8AliceWe’re taking a trip to Kenting. Ted__________________

    1. Have a good time!(2Have a bad day 3Happy birthday 4Nice to meet you


9BillDo you love your parents MarkYes, I love _______.

1they 2their 3them 4theirs

10Miss Lin sits between __________.

1you and my 2he and she 3Peter and her 4I and you

IV、填入適當的代名詞 5 % (將畫線部分改為代名詞)

1.Did you do your homework last night 2.Give Jane some change. 3.Mary and I are both students. 3.Play with Bill’s twin brother. 5.Look at the pictures on the wall.

V、填入 many ,或者是 much 5%

  1. How ______ students are there in your class 2AHow ______ is the hamburgerBIt’s $35.

3Mrs.Brown bought ________ pork and beef in the supermarket last week.

4I don’t have _______ time. 5Jim has ________ friends at school.

VI、閱讀測驗 10% (用完整的句子回答下列問題)

Last Saturday was September 27 th. It was Pam’s birthday. It was a holiday, so Pam didn’t go to school. She went to the movies with her parents in the afternoon.Then they went to the Wang’s Restaurant. They had a big dinner and they all liked the Chinese food very much. After dinner, her parents took her to a department store next to the restaurant.They bought her an English dictionary and a beautiful watch. The dictionary was NT$360.The watch was NT$1,500.Pam was very happy, and she had a very good time.

1Was last Sunday Pam’s birthday

2What did they do in the afternoon

3Did they enjoy the dinner


4What did her parents buy for her there

5How much were the dictionary and the watch?(不能用阿拉伯數字回答)


Part A1.The fast-food restaurant is next to the bus station.

The post office is next to the power company.

Tina’s home is between Sue’s home and Tom’s home.

The first bank is on the corner of Third Street and Today Road.

The computer store isbetween the bike store and music store.

2.Where’s the gym

3.Tom’s at the bus station.He is walking home.How can he get home

Part B1.Peter was in a restaurant. He ordered one hamburgertwo large friesand two smll cokes.

How much did he spend

2.Jack and Ted were at the night market. They had two beef noodles and two large sodas.

How much did he spend

3.Tina went to a bookstore. Firstshe bought two notebooks and two pens. And then she

bought a dictionary. She gave the clerk $500. How much was the change