


      1.English is used by more than 60 million people.

      2.English has become an important word language.

      3.Most video games are in Chinese.

      4.We should study English only because it's a school subject.

      5.English is not only useful but also interestion.



      1.Latin is a good e   of a dead language.

      2.John was lucky to get an o   to visit the U.S.

      3.Tom and Jack come from England. They are f   people.

      4.Soldiers(士兵), policemen, and nurses wear u   .

      5.Mr. Wang is a   today. He left his jacket on the bus.

      6.Laura is angry at John. She doesn't want to see him a   .

      7.The house is for r   , not for sale.


       It is fall now. The weather is getting   .


       John is wearing his new sunglasses today. He looks so   .

       Linda wrote a   for the school drama contest.


       What role do you   in this drama﹖

       After a morning of shopping, the two girls decided to take

       a   .


       Be careful! Don't   those glasses.

       Tom invited Cathy to have a   .


       We should   a lot of water every day.

      5.Mr. Brown wants to buy some yellow   to   his house


       Bill is an adult. But he seems   a child sometimes.


       I'd   to take a trip all over the world.



 (break bump happen hurt take talk walk go)

 It was last Sunday afternoon. When I A along the street with my friends,

I saw a car accident B . A motorcyclist C into a car and was

badly D . He got a ぁ leg and couldn't move. Then he あ to the hospital

right away. It was the driver's fault. He didn't stop when the light ぃ from

yellow to red. He い on the car phone at that time.


 1.Mary had an accident A her B home yesterday.

 2.A-mei is popular C young students.

 3.Suddenly an alarm goes D , and a policeman approaches him.

 4.English grows and changes ぁ time.

 5.He has lived in Taipei あ then.

 6.Dr. Sun Yat-sen was ぃ on November 12.



 1.Her mother(Ahas died Bdied Chas been dead Dwas dead)for many


 2.We should avoid(Amake Bto make Cmade Dmaking)the same mistake.

 3.Come over to see us   .(選不適當者)(Aon Sunday Bif you

are convenient Cif you can Dagain)

 4.They'll go hiking if it(Aisn't raining Bdoesn't rain Chasn't

rained Dwon't rain)tomorrow.

 5.Mr. Su was seen(Asteal Bstole Cto steal Dwas stealing)other

people's things.

 6.I'd rather(Astay Bto stay Cstaying Dstayed)at home on holidays.


 1.A:How can language grow﹖ B:   .

  (AWhen new words are created BThey can't change CBecause they speak

 2.A:We had a wonderful holiday. B:   . A:Yes. We went to Kenting National


  (AWhere did you go﹖ BDid you﹖ CWhat happened﹖)

 3.A:Have you finished reading the book﹖ B:   .

  (ANo, never. BYes, I have already. CNo, not yet.)

 4.“I can't wait for the movie to begin.”means   .

  (AI really want to see the movie. BI really don't want to

see the movie. CI don't have time to see the movie.)


 1.Do you like to live in the country﹖ If yes, why﹖ If not, why


 2.What are new words in English﹖(請寫出二個例子)(2分)

 3.Millions of people will watch the game.(改成被動句)(2分)

 4.Did Helen write the letters﹖(改成被動句)(2分)








 Work is a very important part in life. About fifteen years ago, when people

from the country came to Taipei for a job, almost all of them succeeded. They

had the idea that it was easier to make money in a city. This idea still

affects many people todat. But things have changed because more and more

people want to get a job in a big city. Last year Mr. Lin came to Taipei by

himself, trying to find a nice job. He cared about his family and wrote every

two days. They had already got twanty letters from him, but still got no good

news about his job. Finally they ran out of money. His wife and children had

no money even for their meals. So Mr. Lin went home right away and started his

poorly paid job again in the country.

 1.About fifteen years ago,   .

  AMr. Lin had a very nice job in the country.

  Bpeople thought it was hard to make money in a city.

  Cmost people from the country could get a job in Taipei.

  Dpeople didn't have any idea of making money.

 2.Mr. Lin came to Taipei   .

  Awith his wife Bto find a nice job Cto visit his friends Dfor


 3.How long was Mr. Lin away from home﹖

  ATwenty days BOnly one month Cto visit his friends Dfor nothing.

 4.What do you think of Mr. Lin﹖

  AHe loved his family. BHe was a lazy men. CHe likes to live in a

city. DHe got angry easily.

 5.Which of the following is true﹖

  AMr. Lin got a nice job in Taipei.

  BMr. Lin came to Taipei without his family.

  CMr. Lin family always had enough money for their meals.

  DMr. Lin got a nice job after he went home.
