
____________ 姓名____________

一.畫線部分發音相同者打O不同者打X : 5%

    1.(  )morning              2.(  )new

         reading                    you

    3.(  )thank                4.(  )good

         there                     room

    5.(  )pens


 二.生字 : 20%

    1.漂亮  2.鳥  3.花  4.孫女  5.零

    6. One and nine are t____n.

    7. Tom is watching t_______n in the living room.

    8. This is Lesson E______t, not Lesson Nine.

    9. Mom is cooking in the k_______n.

    10. Cathy is studying E_______h in her room.

三.填充 : 20%

    1. A: What are you ____________ ?  B: I am studying.

    2. A: ________ she play baseball?  B: Yes, she can.

    3. A: ________ these your bicycles?  B: N0, ________ not.

    4. There ________ a picture in the room.

    5. The woman is talking ________ her daughter.

    6. A: _______ can you do?  B:I can cook.

    7. A: _________ Mom?  B: She is in the living room.

    8. A: _________ the boy?  B: He is my brother.

    9. A: __________ is sleeping in my room?  B: Tom is.

四.將下列原形動詞改成現在分詞或將單數名詞改成複數名詞 :I0%

    lcome         2sit         3close

    4ride          5eat         6notebook

    7dish          8number     9bench

    10 chair

五.配合題 : 20%

    1. (  ) Is this 721-9531?

    2. (  ) Who’s that tall man?

    3. (  ) Hi, Cathy. How are you?

4. (  ) Is your sister in your room?

5. (  ) Where are the girls?

6. (  ) What’s your telephone number?

7. (  ) I’m sorry, Miss Lin.

8. (  ) Where is the picture?

9. (  ) Can you roller-skate?

10. (   ) Thank you.

    a.  It’s 953-6411.

    b.  That's OK.

    c.  He is a teacher.

    d.  You're Welcome.

    e.  On the chair.

    f   They are in the park.

    g.  No, it’s not.

    h.  That’s Mr. Brown.

    I.  Yes, I am roller-skating.

    j.   Fine, thank you.

    k.  No, she’s in the living room.

    l.   Yes, we can.

 六.依題示作答 :l0%

   lThe boy can catch a bail. (改成否定句)

   2Tom is opening the door.  (造原問句)

   3They are nice presents.  (改成單數句)

   4Is that tall girl a student?  (改成複數句)

   5I am not his teacher(改成複數句)

七.翻譯 : 15%







一、1. 2. 3.× 4.× 5.×

二、1.beautiful  2.bird  3.flower  4.granddaughter  5.zero  6.ten  7.television  8.Eight  9.kitchen  10.English

三、1.doing  2.Can  3.Are  4.they’re  5.is  6.to  7.What  8.Where’s  9.Who’s  10.Who

四、1.coming  2.sitting  3.closing  4.riding  5.eating  6.notebooks  7.dishes  8.numbers  9.benches  10.chairs

五、1.g  2.h  3.j  4.k  5.f  6.a  7.b  8.e  9.l  10.d

六、1.The boy can’t catch a ball.

    2.What is Tom doing?

    3.It is a nice present.

    4.Are those tall girls students?

    5.We are not their teachers.

七、1.Sorry. You have the wrong number.

    2.They can’t play basketball.

    3.Are those their new jackets?

    4.The (That) man is writing a letter.

    5.There are two girls and a dog under the tree.