
範圍: 第七課至第十課 Class: Number: Name:

  1. 聽力測驗: 38%
  2. 字彙測驗: 20%

1. 客廳 _______________ 11. ________________

2. 廚房 _______________ 12. ________________

3. 電視 _______________ 13. ________________

4. _______________ 14. basketball ________________

5. _______________ 15. baseball _________________

6. _______________ 16. bicycle _________________

7. _______________ 17. Roller-skate _______________

8. _______________ 18. English ________________

9. _______________ 19. number ________________

10. _______________ 20. telephone ________________

. 克漏字填空(每格一分): 12%

  1. This is a park. There are t_____es, f_________rs, and b______ds in the park.
  2. She c____n c_______h a ball, too.
  3. A man is s________g on a b_______h.
  4. A girl is r________g a bike.
  5. The w________n is t________g to the man.
  6. She is my g_______________r.
  7. She is b__________________l.
  1. 改寫句子:10%
  1. Cathy is washing dishes.(改成否定句) ___________________________________________________
  2. Those are your notebooks. (改成否定句) __________________________________________________
  3. These girls are his students.(改成疑問句)_________________________________________________
  4. Mary is eating. (改成疑問句)___________________________________________________________
  5. The jacket is small.(改成複數)__________________________________________________________
  1. 翻譯:10%



  1. 我的電話號碼是380241


  1. 你打錯電話了。


  1. 我們正在學習英語。




  1. 新式題型:10%

題目: Tom的一家人

Tom is a student. He is sitting on the chair. He is studying. His father is a teacher.

He is in the living room. Tom’s mother is a teacher ,too. She is in the kitchen. Tom’s

sister is a singer. 她正在看電視。

問題: 1. What’s Tom doing ?

    1. 將第二、三行劃線部分翻譯成中文。
    2. What’s Tom’s father ?
    3. 將第五行劃線部分翻譯成英文。
    4. Where is Tom’s mother ?

< 答案群與代碼對照表 >


A She’s watching TV. AB In her room.

B She’s watch TV. AC A singer.

C He’s sleeping. AD A teacher.

D He’s studying. AE 他在房間裡。

E In the kitchen. BC 他在客廳裡。

答案欄 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.