elj-2.gif (1283 bytes)雲林縣立二崙國民中學段考題庫

雲林縣立二崙國民中學八十八學年度第一學期    英  語   第一次定期考查

範圍:               命題教師: 吳敏珍                             姓名:

  1. 雙胞胎 (1) twin (2) junior (3) movie 6. 火車 (1) train (2) plane (3) bus
  2. 假期 (1) vacation (2) weather (3) holiday 7. 想念 (1) play (2) wash (3) miss
  3. 發生 (1) study (2) happen (3) learn 8 壘球 (1) basketball (2)baseball (3)softball
  4. (1) food (2) mountain (3) dish 9. 二月 (1) September (2)February (3) Sunday
  5. 中文 (1) Chinese (2) English (3) music 10 開始 (1)begin (2)ring (3)take

1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8. ( ) 9.( ) 10. ( )

  1. cook _____________ 2. take____________________

3. eat _________________________ 4. ride ___________________

  1. sleep ___________ __ _________ 6. see ____________________

7. talk _________________________ 8. go________________________

9. ring __________________________ 10 have_______________________

  1. I didn't go to school, ____________ I studied at home.
  2. Mother cooked lunch, ____________ I washed the dishes.
  3. Peter was hungry, _______________ he ate a lot.
  4. Yesterday was Sunday, ____________ we didn't go to school.
  5. Jack went to the movies, ___________ I didn't.

( ) 1.他們昨天放學後, 打電話給他們的老師了嗎?

( ) 2.我非常想念我在美國的那些朋友

( ) 3怎麼啦? 你們老師生病了嗎?

( ) 4.她昨天晚上吃太多又睡太多了


What happened? Was your teacher sick?


She ate and slept a lot last night.


I miss those friends in America very much.


Did they call their teacher after school yesterday?

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w2dot1.gif (1048 bytes)校址:雲林縣二崙鄉崙西村中正路88號w2dot1.gif (1048 bytes)

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