雲林縣立石榴國民中學88學年度第一學期第二次段考EnglishClass:   Number:   Name:


. 對話克漏字填空   20%


   Eric: I saw an          when I was on my way home yesterday.

   Judy:         you? What happened?

   Eric: A motorcycle         into a bus.

   Judy: That's terrible.         did it happen?

   Eric: The m         was going too fast.

        He          stop when the light went from yellow to red.

   Judy:         he hurt?

   Eric: Yes, very b       . He broke his leg and         taken to the hospital.

   Judy: Well, traffic rules should always be        .


  Mr. Su: I'm reading a book about living and dead languages.

  Eric: What's the         ?

  Mr. Su: Living languages         like Chinese and English. They are

                 by people today, and they grow and         with time.

 Eric: That's s        . How can languages grow?

 Mr. Su: Languages grow when new words are         . For         ,

             English words like cell phone and e-mail.

 Eric: Then what are dead languages?

 Mr. Su: When a language isn't spoken          , it's         a "dead language."

 Eric: Can you           me an example?

 Mr. Su: Sure. Latin is a good example.


. 整段式克漏字填空   30%

       Andy was b       in 湖本. It’s a small        in Toulo. The air there is very       ,

but l       there isnt very         because there arent many stores. Andy usually rides a motorcycle to Toulo, but riding a motorcycle can be         because Andy is only 13 years old. Andy likes to buy v  

games and CDs in Toulo. His favorite f       singer is Britney(布蘭妮). She is very     in America and in the         . In order to ( 為了)listen to Britney sing English songs, Andy studies English very hard.

Of all the school      , he likes English best. He thinks English is u      and i     . He wishes that he will have an o       to go to America and many other         .


. 看表格回答問題 15%





North America; England

Australia; New Zealand


  Manderin  國語

China; Taiwan


  French  法語



  Cantonese  廣東話

China; Taiwan


  Min Nan  閩南話

China; Taiwan


  Hakka  客家話

China; Taiwan



1.  Is English spoken in Australia?


2.  Where is Manderin spoken?


3.  How many people speak English?


4.  Is French spoken in China?


5.  How many languages are spoken in Taiwan?



. 翻譯 15%

1. 你們學校有教英語嗎?


2. 電話和手機有什麼差別?


3. 那場比賽是恐龍隊贏的, 不是嗎?


4. 如果我們精通英語, 在人生中我們將有更多的機會.


5. 那樣一來, 很多的意外就可避免了.


. 聽力測驗  20%

 A.聽完短文後,回答下列問題  10%

  1.(    ) a. Taipei  b. Nantou  c.Tainan

  2.(    ) a. 5  b. 7   c.10

  3.(    ) a. 7  b. 9  c. 11

  4.(    ) a. baseball  b. basketball  c. soccer

  5.(    ) a. After school  b. Sunday  c. Saturday


B.寫下所聽到的句子  10%

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