What kinds of change can a different form of speech brings to others?

        Her speech enables those who once gave up on themselves to find the power of love; enables those who ever lost their enthusiasm to find back values of working hard; enables those who’s stuck in dilemma and hesitating about future to build up their dreams. This girl who had grown up in a not wealthy environment, with poor resource, she still try to help other people who suffered from poverty by her own hands, and she had accomplished so many achievement that seems to be impossible. She had been giving her speech in many major industries in New York, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Washington, India, Hong Kong, Macau, China and Taiwan, all together 800 speeches and had received great response, had been widely discussed and praised highly, her center belief is that one can changes other lives with his/her own single but powerful life.

Unique presentation with touching stories
  「聽她的演講像看場精采的電影,不知不覺竟過了兩小時。」─台積電 竹科廠 Erick Huang
        “It is really enjoyable to listen to her speech, it's like watching a marvelous movie, you wouldn't realize how time flies after two hours when it is about to finish!” TSMC , Erick Huang

        Those stories took place in real life can touch your heart the most! There’s no motto on the internet or cliché talking in her speech, instead, she makes her own figure thinking briefing to present her speech, with inspirational videos and witty, humors speaking, she can portrait inspiring stories in our mind one by one, her own unique way of presentation is easy to understand and humorous, the stories which are inspired in real life can be evocative deeply in your heart.
Domestic and overseas studying experience
  「如果能早些年聽到這場演講, 或許這條路就不會走得這麼辛苦。」 ─AIT美國在台協會 H.Frank  
        “If I could ever attend this speech earlier, maybe this road wouldn’t have been so difficult…”AIT , H.Frank
  中學為體、西學為用,沈芯菱於美國哈佛大學商學院研修、台灣大學商學院博士、台大新聞所碩士之學經歷,專精於「跨領域」的「博雅智識」(liberal arts),熟稔企管學、科管學、社會學、人類學、傳播學、資訊學與心理學等領域,透過知識理論的廣度、實務運籌的深度,以及邏輯思考的創意,給予耳目一新的饗宴。
        With Eastern education as the fundamental of knowledge and Western education for actual practice, she studies in Harvard Business School and her learning experience: doctoral degree in National Taiwan University Business School, master degree in the National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Journalism, she is specialized in “Interdisciplinary, cross-field learning”, she majors but not limited in Business Management, Technology management, Sociology, Anthropology, communication studies, Information science and Psychology, through acquiring knowledge by learning theories and learning by practical operating, practicing logical thinking, she can always bring whole new vision to the audience.
Multivariate practical operating experience
  「謝謝妳帶來趣味又實用的方法,對時間管理和壓力紓解有很大幫助。」─聯發科總部 Jason
  “Thank you for sharing your interesting and useful method, it is a great help in time management and releasing pressure.” - MediaTek Inc.,Jason

 "說我們所做,做我們所說" 沈芯菱的演講從非空泛之談,而以十多年的實務歷練,為海內外各大知名企業進行培訓課程, 潛能激勵、經營管理、科技行銷、領導組織、時間效率、人際溝通、壓力管理……。為企業量身設計內容,聽眾多元化領略, 理論與行動得以兼容並進。
         Her speech is not just a lip service, she shares her thoughts through the good will and spirit she has learnt and practiced in real life for more than a decade, and uses it as the material for training and inspiring people who work in famous domestic and overseas industries. She designs the content exclusively for every industry, from management, technology marketing, leadership and organization, efficiency, interpersonal communication, and pressure management, with both theories and experience, she inspires her audience with multivariate methods and resource.
Friendly presentation, zero distance to the audience

  「怎麼沒提醒要帶衛生紙?真是場充滿笑聲與洋蔥的演講。」─和碩科技 總部 Maggie
“Why no one ever noticed me I should bring tissue? It is really a speech full of laughter and tear.” - Pegatron Corporation, Maggie

  有別於傳統單向演講,沈芯菱注重聽眾的互動,無華麗詞藻,而是誠懇真心,別具創意的鋪陳、淺顯易懂的課程,與充滿活力的節奏,無論五十人或三千人以上的場合,皆能掌握熱烈氛圍,交織歡笑與感動的淚水,獲各大企業 推薦最高滿意度紀錄。
  Different from traditional unidirectional speech, Shen Xinling cares more in the interact between the audience and her, there’s no exaggerating content in her speech, instead, you can feel her sincerity and warm heart, she creative way of stories elaboration, and her class which is easy to understand, not to mention the energetic presenting rhythm, no matter it is in a 50 people classroom or over 3000 people hall, she can always impassion the audience’s enthusiasm, and make the whole speech full of laughter and tear, she also has the highest satisfactory record in all the major industries’ best speech recommendation list.
Make the changes to be seen
  「我被您的演講震撼到了! 精彩處大家開懷大笑外也不時低頭抄重點深怕遺漏什麼,我主持的會議同仁們還沒有這麼認真呢」─華邦電子 WH Lu
“I'm totally stunned by your speech! I was laughing out loud and taking notes at the same time, I am not that much concentrated even in the meeting I host.”─Winbond Electronics Corporation , WH Lu

  《哈佛商業評論》指出,薪水不是唯一提振士氣的方法,更重要的是引發內在動機。沈芯菱善於啟發聽眾的觀念,找到「P的三次方」:Passion(熱情)、Persist(堅持)與Positive Thinking(正面思考)。透過講師平凡的出身,不凡的作為,更有說服力改變聽眾的觀念,激發士氣、達成目標、提高效能。
“Harvard Business Review” has pointed out that the salary is not the only way to inspire employees, what is more important is to arouse the internal motivation. She is talented in enlightening an important concept in all the audience heart, through her ordinary background but unordinary achievements, her speech is convincing for the audience to accept the point of view and willing to change, which makes her speech inspiring and help the audience to build P cubed: Passion,Persist and Positive Thinking ,achieving their goals and improve their efficiency.
Corporate Social Responsibility

    「 演講啟迪人心已是美事,您又將演講費做公益,更是大大的善事,給您一個讚」─香港扶輪社
“It is a beautiful thing itself to give meaningful and inspiring speech, not only just that, you also use the revenue from speech to hold public benefit activities, it is even much better and kind, we all appreciate and you deserve a thumb up.” - Rotary Club of Hong Kong , Annabelle Chen

  國際管理大師Michael Porter名言:「社會責任與企業經營結合是競爭力的來源。」未來領導級企業不僅為了獲利,更應肩負社會責任。講師費全數致力「希望台灣工程」,帶給偏鄉孩童笑容、圓滿山巔海角的老農心願,進而增進員工認同感、提高企業CSR形象,將一份邀約,化為無限的希望。
  It is the resource of competitiveness to combine both social responsibilities and industrial management, the leading industry in the future shall not only pursue revenue, it shall bear more social responsibilities. The revenue from all the speeches will dedicate to “Taiwan Hope” program, this program is aimed to bring smile on children in remote area by improving life qualities and learning resources, to fulfill old farmers’ need and accomplish their dream who live in seaside country or high mountain, therefore gaining the employees’ recognition and improve industries’ image and reputation, we transform an invitation into endless hope.

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