§ Noun Clause
(1) 從屬連詞 Subordinate Conjunction
(2) 連接代名詞 Connective Pronoun
(3) 連接形容詞 Connective Adjective
(4) 連接副詞 Connective Adverb
1. 從屬連詞 Subordinate Conjunction
有:(1) that;(2) if;(3) whether…or。
That he has gone is untrue.
The government announced that the danger was past.
* 名詞從句作賓語時,"that" 可隱藏:
The government announced the danger was past.
Can you speak Japanese?
I ask if you can speak Japanese?
* 在名詞從句中,所有動詞﹝包括助動詞﹞必須在主語後面。
I don't know whether he will go or not.
* 原句應是:
I don't know whether he will go or (whether he will) not (go).
2. 連接代名詞 Connective Pronoun
格 |
代人 |
代物 |
代人或物 |
主格 |
who |
what |
which |
賓格 |
whom |
what |
which |
所有格 |
whose |
/ |
/ |
Who are you?
I ask who you are.
Can you tell me who the girl in the street is?
I do not know who sits on that chair.
Who will be the president of America next time is unknown.
Whom does your mother teach in the room?
I ask whom your mother teaches in the room.
Tell me whom you associate with and I tell you who you are.
Whose is that car?
I ask whose that car is.
What is your father?
Can you tell me what your father is?
What happens today will become history tomorrow.
The important thing is what a person does, not what he
Can you tell me which of these two babies is yours?
I do not know by which of the two roads he goes to school.
I will give this book to whoever wants it.
* "whoever" 指「無論誰人」,亦是連接代名詞。
Choose whichever you want.
* "whichever" 指「無論哪個」,亦是連接代名詞。
Take whatever you need.
* "whatever" 指「無論什麼」,亦是連接代名詞。
3. 連接形容詞 Connective Adjective
有: (1) what;(2) which;(3) whose。
What book is this?
I do not know what book this is.
Which dog is mine?
I ask which dog is mine.
Whose cat is that?
Can you tell me whose cat that is?
4. 連接副詞 Connective Adverb
有:(1) when;(2) where;(3) why;(4) how。
When he will come home is not yet known.
When we should hold the meeting is still under
I told him where he could find the answer.
Where we will go is the question.
That is why he loves her so much.
I do not know why he broke off in the middle of a sentence.
Can you tell me how you go?
練習 翻譯:
1. 她將於下星期結婚是個好消息。
2. 你能告訴我誰是她的妹妹嗎?
3. 你已通知他我明天吃什麼嗎?
4. 我不知她愛哪一個。
5. 無人知道火車何時到達。
6. 他不知道你的叔父將往何處。
7. 我問他如何解決這難題。
8. 我問他為什麼做這些事。
9. 你能查出李先生住在何處嗎?
10. 我們相信你不是壞的。