§ Adjective
稱為「形容詞從句」Adjective Clause;而被形容的名詞,稱為
We need fearless men.﹝單詞形容 "men"﹞
We need men without fear.﹝短語形容 "men"﹞
We need men who are fearless. ﹝從句形容 "men"﹞
(1) 關係代名詞 Relative Pronoun
(2) 關係形容詞 Relative Adjective
(3) 關係副詞 Relative Adverb
1. 關係代名詞 Relative Pronoun
有:(1) who﹝代人﹞;(2) whom﹝代人﹞;(3) which﹝代物﹞;
(4) that﹝代人或物﹞;(5) as﹝代人或物﹞
The two men who are in that house are my uncles.
* 關係代名詞 "who" 的身和數由先行詞 "men" 決定。
This is the man who showed me the way.
There is somebody who wants you on the telephone.
* 在 "there is" 結構後面的形容詞從句,當主語的 "who" 可隱藏,即:
There is somebody wants you on the telephone.
The girl whom you saw is her sister-in-law.
* 當關係代名詞在形容詞從句中作賓語時,可隱藏,即:
The girl you saw is her sister-in-law.
Whom do you mean? 或 Who do you mean?
I know the man whom you mean. 或
I know the man who you mean.
* 可隱藏 "whom" 或 "who",即:I know the man you mean.
The woman for whom you wrote a letter yesterday is my aunt.
* 當關係代名詞在形容詞從句中作介詞的代名詞時,不能隱藏。
「原裝」:The woman for whom you wrote a letter yesterday is my aunt.
「變裝」:The woman whom you wrote a letter for yesterday is my aunt.
「簡裝」:The woman you wrote a letter for yesterday is my aunt.
The house which is for sale is at the end of the street.
History is a very long story which is still going on.
Do you know the time on which John went to America?
* 「原裝」:Do you know the time on which John went to America?
「變裝」:Do you know the time which John went to America on?
「簡裝」:Do you know the time John went to America on?
This is the book in which you can find the answer.
* 「原裝」:This is the book in which you can find the answer.
「變裝」:This is the book which you can find the answer in.
「簡裝」:This is the book you can find the answer in.
Can you tell me the place at which we can have a quiet talk?
* 「原裝」:Can you tell me the place at which we can have
a quiet talk?
「變裝」:Can you tell me the place which we can have
a quiet talk at?
「簡裝」:Can you tell me the place we can have
a quiet talk at?
Do you know the reason for which they love each other?
* 「原裝」:Do you know the reason for which they love each other?
「變裝」:Do you know the reason which they love each other for?
「簡裝」:Do you know the reason they love each other for?
The man that sold you the camera is a rogue.
This is the best logical book that I have ever read.
* 關係代名詞作賓語,可隱藏:
This is the best logical book I have ever read.
I never say such things as you say.
I do not like such a girl as you love.
This is the same watch as I lost yesterday.
* This is the same watch that I lost yesterday.
2. 關係形容詞 Relative Adjective
The boy whose hair is yellow is his brother.
* 說所有頭髮,hair 不加 "s";加了 "s",指兩條、三條 ……。
That is the girl whose sister is a teacher.
3. 關係副詞 Relative Adverb
有:(1) when; (2) where; (3) why。
Do you know the time when Mary will come to Hong Kong?
* 句中有顯示時間的字詞例如 "time",在形容詞從句中的 "when"
可隱藏,即:Do you know the time Mary will come to Hong Kong?
That was the first time ( when ) I went to the Great Wall.
I do not know the place where he will go.
I do not know the reason why he did not come yesterday.
* 若先行詞是 "reason", 則 "why" 可隱藏,即:
I do not know the reason he did not come yesterday.
(1) 限制性從句 Defining Clause:先行詞被形容詞從句限制;
(2) 非限制性從句 Non-defining Clause:先行詞不被形容詞從句
He has a brother who is a teacher.
* "who is a teacher" 是限制性從句,限制 "brother" 的範圍。
He has a brother, who is a teacher.
* "who is a teacher" 是非限制性從句,沒有限制 "brothre" 的範圍,
* 要用 "," 把非限制性從句與其他部分隔開。
* 比較:第一句意味著他可能還有其他兄弟;第二句意味著他只有一個兄弟。
※ "that" 在限制性從句中,可代人或物,但在非限制性從句中,
He has a brother that is a teacher. ﹝正確﹞
He has a brother, that is a teacher. ﹝錯誤﹞
I returned all the books which are scientific ones to
the library.
I returned all the books, which are scientific ones, to
the library.
* 比較:第一句意味著還了那些科學書,可能有其他書未還;
練習 翻譯
1. 坐在樹下的老人是一位科學家。
2. 他已失去我給他的金錢。
3. 這些是我去年所讀的書。
4. 那個頭髮是金色的男人是英國人。
5. 我騎的馬是一匹好馬。
6. 我的僕人打碎的杯是屬於李小姐的。
7. 我最喜歡的女孩是你的妹妹。
8. 我將買給你一切你所需的東西。
9. 他為什麼那樣做的理由是很明顯的。
10. 這是我去年居住的地方。