


形容詞是指描述或修飾句子中某一人、事、物的字。冠詞 -- a, an, 和 the 都是形容詞。

  • the tall professor
  • the lugubrious lieutenant
  • a solid commitment
  • a month's pay
  • a six-year-old child
  • the unhappiest, richest man

如果有一組包含一個主詞和動詞的字當做形容詞用,那麼它被稱為形容詞子句 (Adjective Clause):My sister, who is much older than I am, is an engineer. 如果一個形容詞子句被拿掉主詞和動詞,那麼剩下的修飾語就變成形容詞片語 (Adjective Phrase):He is the man who is keeping my family in the poorhouse.

在討論形容詞的用法之前,我們必須建立一項重要的觀念,那就是不要過份使用形容詞:形容詞身虛體弱,別要求它們做超出它們能力所及的工作。讓身強力壯、臂膀厚實的動詞和名詞來承擔形容、修飾的重責大任和艱苦工作。在使用形容詞時必須特別注意不要一開始就強調:interesting, beautiful, lovely, exciting。身為寫作者,寫出優美、激發讀者興趣的的句子和文章是你的責任;如果你只是將這些字眼放在你的句子中,而沒有實際產生這些效果的內容,那麼你是無法讓任何人信服的。


與通常幾乎可以放在句子中任何位置的副詞不同的是,形容詞幾乎都是緊接出現在他們所修飾的名詞或名詞片語之前。有時它們以一串形容詞的型態出現,若是這種情況,它們根據類別以一定的順序來排列 (下面我們會有所討論)。當不定代名詞 -- 如 something, someone, anybody -- 被形容詞修飾時,形容詞位在代名詞的後面:

Anyone capable of doing something horrible to someone nice should be punished.
Something wicked this way comes.

某些形容詞與某些字結合時永遠是後置詞 (postpositive -- 位在它們所修飾的字之後):

The president elect, heir apparent to the Glitzy fortune, lives in New York proper.

下面我們也會討論所謂「a-形容詞」(如 "ablaze, aloof, aghast" 等字) 的位置。



Gladys is a rich woman, but Josie is richer than Gladys, and Sadie's the richest woman in town.

這三個比較等級被稱為原級 (positive)比較級 (comparative)最高級 (superlative)。我們使用比較級來比較兩個事物,最高級來比較三個或三個以上的事物。注意:比較級通常有 than 這個字,而最高級的前面必須加 the。字尾加 -er-est 已足以構成大部分的比較級和最高級,但當一個兩音節的形容詞的最後一個字母是 y 時,我們必須去掉 y,加 -ier-iest (happier and happiest);再者,當一個形容詞具有一個以上的音節時,我們必須使用 moremost

原級 比較級 最高級
rich richer richest
lovely lovelier loveliest
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful



good better best
bad worse worst
little less least


far further furthest

注意:已經表達比較的極限的形容詞沒有比較級或最高級 -- 如 unique -- 不過,大多數形容詞都有比較級:某一事物可能「比較完美」(more perfect),而某位女子可能具有「比較豐滿的身材」(fuller figure)。有人辯稱,一位婦女不可能比另一位婦女 more pregnant,這是因為她們從未懷過雙胞胎。

此外,我們也要注意不要將 more 跟由 -er 所構成的比較級形容詞用在一起,也不要將 most 跟由 -est 所構成的最高級形容詞用在一起 (例如,不可寫成 "something is more heavier or most heaviest.")。

as -- as 結構被用來產生表示相等的比較關係:

  • He is as foolish as he is large.
  • She is as bright as her mother.

"Taller than I / me" ??

當我們以 "than" 做比較時,這個字後面是要接主詞型態還是受詞型態 ? "taller than I/she" 或 "taller than me/her"? 正確的答案是 "taller than I/she"。這是 "He is taller than I am/she is tall." 的減化,第二個子句的動詞 "am" 或 "is" 被省略了。然而,美國若干著名的作家辯稱 "than" 這個字應該可以當做介系詞用。如果我們可以說 "He is tall like me/her.",那麼 (如果 "than" 可以像 like 一樣當介系詞用的話) 我們應該也可以說 "He is taller than me/her."。這是一項有趣的辯論,但無論如何,截至目前,在正式學術文章中,這類比較都是使用主詞型態。


我們可能須勞動語言學家才能解釋為什麼我們是說 "little brown house" 而不說 "brown little house",或者是說 "red Italian sports car" 而不說 "Italian red sports car"。把英語當做第二語言來學習的人經常弄不清楚一連串形容詞的順序。我們需要許多的練習才能使這一順序變成直覺反應,因為這一順序變化多端 (即使不是漫無章法)。然而,一連串形容詞的順序仍有一個模式可以遵循。你會在下表中發現這個模式有許多例外,但對英語並非母語的我們而言,學習這個形容詞順序模式至關重要。


  1. 限定詞 -- 冠詞及其他限定詞。參考限定詞
  2. 評斷 -- 限定詞之後的形容詞 (如 first, three 等序數和基數:the first three new chapters),限制形容詞 (如 a real hero, a perfect idiot) 及主觀判斷的形容詞 (如 beautiful, interesting)。
  3. 尺寸與形狀 -- 客觀衡量的形容詞 (如 wealthy, large, round)。
  4. 年紀 -- 表示年齡、年代的形容詞 (如 young, old, new, ancient)。
  5. 顏色 -- 表示顏色的形容詞 (如 red, black, pale)。
  6. 起源 -- 表示名詞之來源的形容詞 (如 French, American, Canadian)。
  7. 物質 -- 表示某物是由何者所製成的形容詞 (如 woolen, metallic, wooden)。
  8. 修飾語 -- 最後修飾語,通常被視為名詞的一部份 (如 rocking chair, hunting cabin, passenger car, book cover)。
限定詞 評斷 物理敘述 起源 物質 修飾語 名詞
  尺寸 形狀 年紀 顏色  
a beautiful     old   Italian   touring car
an expensive     antique     silver   mirror
four gorgeous   long-
  red   silk   roses
her     short   black       hair
our   big   old   English     sheepdog
those     square       wooden hat boxes
that dilapidated little           hunting cabin
several   enormous   young   American   baseball players
some delicious         Thai     food

當然,同時使用兩個或三個以上 (最多三個就好) 的形容詞是愚不可及的事。再者,當形容詞屬於同一類別時,它們就變成我們所謂的「對等或同位形容詞」(coordinated adjectives),而它們之間須加逗點:the inexpensive, comfortable shoes。同位形容詞之間加逗點的規則是這樣的:如果你可以在兩個形容詞之間插入連接詞 -- andbut -- 那麼你就可以加逗點。我們可以說 these are "inexpensive but comfortable shoes.",所以我們要在它們之間加逗點 (如果不用 "but" 的話)。當你有三個同位形容詞時,全部用逗點分開,但不可在最後一個形容詞與名詞之間插入逗點 (由於你經常在這個地方停頓,所以句子會引誘你這麼做,但千萬別上當):

a popular, respected, and good looking student



當一個形容詞的起源是個專有名詞時,它可能必須大寫。因此,我們寫成   Christian music, French fries, the English Parliament, the Ming Dynasty, a Faulknerian style, Jeffersonian democracy。若干時期已具有專有形容詞的地位:the Nixon era, a Renaissance/Romantic/Victorian poet (但 a contemporary novelist 和 medieval writer)。方向和季節形容詞不大寫,除非它們是名稱或標題的一部份:

We took the northwest route during the spring thaw. We stayed there until the town's annual Fall Festival of Small Appliances.



當定冠詞 the 與一個敘述一群人的形容詞結合時,這個片語可做為名詞:the poor, the rich, the oppressed, the homeless, the lonely, the unlettered, the unwashed, the gathered, the dear departed。集合名詞 (通常為單數,但在某些上下文中可為複數) 與集合形容詞之間的差別在於後者永遠是複數,因此需要複數動詞:

  • The rural poor have been ignored by the media.
  • The rich of Connecticut are responsible.
  • The elderly are beginning to demand their rights.
  • The young at heart are always a joy to be around.


一個形容詞的負面或反義字可用若干方法來組成。當然,方法之一是找出一個意思相反的形容詞,也就是一般所謂的反義字 (antonym)。beautiful 的反義字是 uglytall 的反義字是 short。一本同義字、反義字辭典可以幫助你找到適當的反義字。另一個構成形容詞反義字的方法是加字首。fortunate 的反義字是 unfortunateprudent 的反義字是 imprudentconsiderate 的反義字是 inconsideratehonorable 的反義字是 dishonorablealcoholic 的反義字是 nonalcoholic,(be properly) filed 的反義字是 misfiled。如果你無法確定這種以字首來修飾的形容詞的拼字或者不知道適當的字首,那麼必須查字典,因為挑選字首的規則非常複雜且變化多端不值得信賴;例如,flammable 和 inflammable 的意思相同。

第三個產生形容詞反義字的方法是將形容詞與 lessleast 結合來產生一項意思相反的比較。我們說 "This is the least beautiful city in the state." 總比說 "This is the ugliest city in the state." 溫和多了 (它們的意思也略有不同)。這種結構不宜跟已經是表示負面意思的形容詞一起使用:"He is less unlucky than his brother." (雖然這與 "he is luckier than his brother." 的意思並不相同)。對於兩件事物或兩個人的比較,使用比較級的 less,若是多件事物或多個人的比較,則使用最高級的 least

  • My mother is less patient than my father.
  • Of all the new sitcoms, this is my least favorite show.


Good versus Well
在平常談話和正式寫作中,我們經常必須在形容詞 good 和副詞 well 之間做一選擇。在大多數動詞的情況下都沒有爭議:使用副詞來修飾動詞。
He swims well.
He knows only too well who the murderer is.
How are you? I'm feeling good, thank you.
After a bath, the baby smells so good.
Even after my careful paint job, this room doesn't look good.
然而,許多謹慎的寫作者會在與健康有關的連綴動詞後面使用 well,而這完全正確。事實上,若說 you are good 或 you feel good 通常暗示你不僅身體健康,而且精神很好。
"How are you?"
"I am well, thank you."
Bad versus Badly
當你飼養的貓不幸過世時 (假設你愛貓如親),你是覺得 badbadly? 應用與 "good versus well" 相同的規則,在與人類五官有關的動詞後面使用形容詞:You felt bad。如果你說 you felt badly,這意謂你的感官功能有障礙。


請參考複合名詞與修飾語以瞭解由兩個以上的字連接起來所形成的修飾語:a four-year-old child, a nineteenth-century novel, an empty-headed fool。

分詞型態 (以 -ing-ed 做字尾的動詞型態) 的形容詞對一些學生來說可能非常麻煩。a frightened child 和 a frightening child 是完全不同的兩碼事:一個是受驚的小孩,一個是令人吃驚的小孩。由於課堂上有聽沒有懂,課後你去找你的教授,你是要說 you are confused 還是說 you are confusing? 一般而言,字尾為 -ed 的形容詞意謂名詞 (這裡是 "you") 與某事物 -- 課程主題 -- 有一種被動的關係:課程內容使你困惑不解,所以 you are confused。字尾為 -ing 的形容詞意謂名詞扮演一個比較主動的角色 -- 你語無倫次,顛三倒四,所以 you are confusing (to others, including your professor)。

字尾為 -ed 的修飾語後面通常接介系詞,例如:

  • We were amazed at all the circus animals.
  • We were amused by the clowns.
  • We were annoyed by the elephants.
  • We were bored by the ringmaster.
  • We were confused by the noise.
  • We were disappointed by the motorcycle daredevils.
  • We were disappointed in their performance.
  • We were embarrassed by my brother.
  • We were exhausted from all the excitement.
  • We were excited by the lion-tamer.
  • We were excited about the high-wire act, too.
  • We were frightened by the lions.
  • We were introduced to the ringmaster.
  • We were interested in the tent.
  • We were irritated by the heat.
  • We were opposed to leaving early.
  • We were satisfied with the circus.
  • We were shocked at the level of noise under the big tent.
  • We were surprised by the fans' response.
  • We were surprised at their indifference.
  • We were tired of all the lights after a while.
  • We were worried about the traffic leaving the parking lot.


最常見的所謂 a-形容詞是 ablaze, afloat, afraid, aghast, alert, alike, alive, alone, aloof, ashamed, asleep, averse, awake, aware。這些形容詞大多以述語的型態出現 (亦即,它們位在連綴動詞的後面)。

  • The children were ashamed.
  • The professor remained aloof.
  • The trees were ablaze.

然而,有時你會發現 a-形容詞出現在它們所修飾的字的前面:the alert patient, the aloof physician。當 a-形容詞出現在它們所修飾的字的前面時,它們本身大多被其他字所修飾:the nearly awake student, the terribly alone scholar。此外,a-形容詞有時被 "very much" 所修飾:very much afraid, very much alone, very much ashamed 等等。   

Guide to Grammar and Writing