Run-on Sentences
一個 Run-On Sentence 至少包含兩個獨立子句 (independent clauses),但它們沒有被適當地連接起來。在此,我們亦對兩個獨立子句之間的標點符號作一說明。 |
1. | 我們必須瞭解的一點是,句子的長短實際上與句子是否
run-on 無關;run-on
的句子是屬於句子結構的瑕疵、錯誤,即使非常簡短的句子亦將受到危害。 The sun is high, put on some sun-block. 反之,一個相當長的句子可能讓你讀的喘不過氣來,但它可能是個結構健全、完整的句子。按這裡看看一個239個字的句子:這是一個結構非常美好的句子。 |
2. | 當兩個獨立子句僅用一個逗點來連接時,它們就構成所謂
comma-splice or comma fault (用逗點分開兩個對等子句的錯誤) 的 run-on
sentence。上面的例子就是 comma-splice。當你用逗點來分開兩個獨立子句時,逗點的後面必須接
and, but, for, nor, yet, or, so 等連接詞。 The sun is high, so put on some sun-screen. |
3. | run-on sentences 通常發生在下列情況下: | |
a. | 當一個獨立子句根據前一個獨立子句所說的而下達命令或指令時: This next chapter has a lot of difficult information in it, you should start studying right away. 我們可以將這個句子中的逗點改為句點 (• period) 然後開始一個新的句子或改為分號 (;semicolon)。 |
b. | 當兩個獨立子句使用
however, moreover, nevertheless 等連接副詞 (conjunctive adverbs)
來連接時: Mr. Nguyen has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges, however, he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty bakery. 同樣地,第一個逗點應改為句點,然後開始一個新的句子,或改為分號 。 |
c. | 當兩個獨立子句中的第二個子句包含一個代表第一個獨立子句的代名詞時: This computer doesn't make sense to me, it came without a manual. 雖然這兩個子句相當簡短,而且關係相當密切,但卻是個 run-on sentence。我們必須以句點來取代逗點。 |
1. | 句點 +
一個新的句子 My grandmother refuses to go to bed early. She thinks she's going to miss out on some of the action. |
2. | 逗點 +
小而美的連接詞 (and, but, for, nor, yet, or, so) My grandmother refuses to go to bed early, and I'm afraid she's going to catch a bad cold. |
3. | 僅用分號:與其用分號,不如用句點,但如果你覺得使用分號比較好的話,那麼使用分號亦無妨
(可能是因為兩個獨立子句關係相當密切且非常對等) In spite of her cold, my mother refuses to go to bed early; she is afraid she will miss something. |
4. | 分號 +
大而醜的連接詞或其他連接副詞 (however, moreover, nevertheless,
therefore, as a result, consequently . . . ) + 逗點 My mother has stayed up late four nights in a row; as a result, she cannot seem to get well. |