Sequence of Verb Tenses




  • In the 1950s, English teachers still believed that a background in Latin is essential  for an understanding of English.
  • Columbus somehow knew that the world is round.
  • Slaveowners widely understood that literacy among oppressed people is a   dangerous thing.

blueball.gif (924 bytes)按這裡一下,我們有個表格專門敘述不定詞與分詞的時態一致性。

獨立子句的時態 附屬子句的目的/附屬子句的時態 例句
簡單現在式 表示同一時間的動作/簡單現在式 I am eager to go to the concert
because I love the Wallflowers.
表示較早的動作/過去式 I know that I made the right  choice.
表示從過去某一時間點持續到現在的一段時間/現在完成式 They believe that they have  elected the right candidate.
表示即將來臨的動作/未來式 The President says that he will   veto the bill.
簡單過去式 表示另一完成的動作/過去式 I wanted to go home because I
missed my parents.
表示較早的動作/過去完成式 She knew she had made the  right choice.
敘述普遍的事實和真理/現在式 The Deists believed that the  universe is like a giant clock.
現在完成式或過去完成式 無論何種目的/過去式 She has grown   30cm since she
turned nine.
The crowd had turned nasty  before the sheriff returned.
未來式 表示同時發生的動作/現在式 I will be so happy if they fix my  car today.
表示較早的動作/過去式 You will surely pass this exam if  you studied hard.
表示比獨立子句的動作還要早的未來動作/現在完成式 The college will probably close  its doors next summer if  enrollments have not increased.
未來完成式 無論何種目的/現在式或現在完成式 Most students will have taken  sixty credits by the time they  graduate.
Most students will have taken  sixty credits by the time they  have graduated.

注意:除非合理的邏輯推斷另有所指,否則當我們在討論文學作品時,都是使用現在式 (以產生直接性和即時感):"Robert Frost (美國詩人佛洛斯特) describes the action of snow on the birch trees."





不定詞的時態 不定詞的角色 例句
現在不定詞 (to see) 表示同一時間的動作或比動詞還要晚的動作 Coach Espinoza is eager to try  out her new drills. (eagerness 是現在的動作,而 trying out 則是在其後發生)
She would have liked to see  more veterans returning. (現在不定詞 to see 與 would have liked 是同一時間的動作)
完成不定詞 (to have seen) 表示比動詞還要早的動作 The fans would like to have  seen some improvement this  year. ("Would like" 敘述一種現在情況;而 "to have seen" 則敘述在此時間之前的事情)
They consider the team to have  been coached very well. [完成不定詞 to have been coached 所指的時間比動詞
consider 還要來得早)
分詞的時態 分詞的角色 例句
現在分詞 (seeing) 表示與動詞同時發生的動作 Working on the fundamentals,  the team slowly began to  improve. (began 所表達的動作發生在過去,與 working 同時發生)
過去分詞或現在完成分詞 表示比動詞還要早發生的動作 Prepared by last year's  experience, the coach knows  not to expect too much. (knows 所表達的動作是發生在現在,而 prepared 所表達的時間係在此時間之前)
Having experimented with  several game plans, the  coaching staff devised a master  strategy. (現在完成分詞 having experimented 所指的時間比過去式動詞 devised 還要來得早)


Guide to Grammar and Writing