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英語靜思錄 - 談人生 | |
1 | 人生在世,不能無所事事、懵懵懂懂而虛度一生,應發揮我們的良知良能,造福人群。 We should not idle away our time,and drift in frivolous thoughts. It is best to nurture our innate goodness and develop our ability to help others. |
2 | 人一但無所事事、虛度光陰,精神就會委靡不振,生命也就失去意義。 When we have nothing to do and idle away our time,our spirit becomes weak and life seems meaningless. |
3 | 美滿的人生、不在物質、權勢、名利及地位,而在人與人之間的關愛與情誼。 A fulfilling life is not preoccupied with material objects,prestige,and power. A fulfilling life is filled with true friendships,sharing,and caring for other. |
4 | 所謂看開人生,不是悲觀,而是積極樂觀;不是看破,而是看透。 To take life easy is not a negative attitude;it is a happy and positive attitude. It does not mean giving up hope;it is a true understanding of the real purpose of life. |
5 | 所謂看開人生,並非什麼都不做,而是能及時行善;也不是什麼都沒有,而是什麼都知足! To take life easy does not mean doing nothing at all,but to grasp every opportunity to do good deeds. It does not at all,but to be content with what you have. |
6 | 人生幾十年的成就,都是由每一天的言行累積而成。所以,要照顧好每一天的言行。 Your accomplishments in life are built on your words and actions you make every day;thus be discreet in your daily speech and behavior. |
7 | 人生就像走鋼索般,如果不認真往前看,卻一直往後看,一定會跌下去。 Life is like walking a tightrope;if we do not focus on what is ahead,we are sure to fall. |
8 | 待人退一步,愛人寬一寸,在人生道中就會活得很快樂。 In dealing with others,learn how to compromise and give others a little more love. This is the way to live happily. |