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英語靜思錄 - 談布施 | |
1 | 付出,就是最大的收穫。 Giving will reap the greatest harvest. |
2 | 心安即是福,能做即是福,歡喜即是福,心寬即是福。 A peaceful mind is a blessing. The ability to work is also a blessing. Happiness is a blessing. Broadmindedness is also a blessing. |
3 | 能施與的人,比受施的人更有福。 To give is better than to receive. |
4 | 真正的布施,除了無裕無求,還要有感恩心。 Give without expectation,and give with gratitude. |
5 | 多一份付出,就能多一份成就。 The more we give,the more we accomplish. |
6 | 布施不是有錢人的專利,而是一份虔誠的愛心。 Giving is not the privilege of the rich,it is the privilege of the sincere. |
7 | 布施若不是真正心存喜捨,則非但沒有功德,反增煩惱。 To give without joy,carries no merit and increase distress. |