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英語靜思錄 - 談幸福 | |
1 | 能為人服務比被人服務有福。 It is more of a blessing to serve others than to be served. |
2 | 多原諒人一次,就多造一次福;把量放大,福就大。 To forgive once is to be blessed once. The more we forgive,the more we are blessed. |
3 | 自造福田,自得福緣。 Those who sow the seeds of blessings shall harvest plentiful blessings. |
4 | 求福壽倒不如求平安,平安就是天福壽。 Rather than ask for blessing of fortune and longevity,ask for the blessing of peace of mind. Peace of mind will spawn more blessings. |
5 | 以親切的愛心去關懷別人,這份愛心便是造福的種子。 When we care for others with deep sincerity,our heart of love is the noble seed that brings great blessings. |