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英語靜思錄 - 談心境 | |
1 | 有人點燈求光明,其實真正的光明在我們心理。 Many seek illumination by lighting a lamp,when the true light is within. |
2 | 人的心地就像一畝田,若沒有下好的種子,也長不出好的果實來。 Our mind is like a garden;if no good seeds are sown,nothing good will grow from it. |
3 | 天堂和地獄,都是由心和行為所造做。 Our thoughts and actions create our destiny of heaven or hell. |
4 | 三心二意無定性,四處徘徊不專精,儘管條條道路通長安,卻永遠無法到達終點! Even if every road to Rome,when our mind is indecisive,constantly wandering,an unable to concentrate,we will never make it to our destination. |
5 | 要用心,不要操心、煩心。 Be mindful,not worried or perturbed. |
6 | 心迷就會苦,心悟就自在。 A confused mind suffers agony;an enlightened mind feels at ease. |
7 | 心善即天堂,心惡即地獄。 A kind heart enjoys heavenly bliss;An evil mind experiences hell. |
8 | 人的觀念不正,就不能正業;觀念如果偏差,所做的事也會錯誤。 If our views is incorrect,our actions will not be right;if our thinking is biased,everything we do will be wrong. |
9 | 人要學習經得起周圍人事的磨練而心不動搖,並學習在動中保持心的寧靜。 Learn to remain undisturbed in the tumult of people and events. Remain at peace inside yourself even when busy and occupied. |