上十頁 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 下十頁 |
靜思語 | |
1 | 解除人間的災難,一定要從改善人心做起。 To end the disasters of the world,we must improve the human mind. |
2 | 即使已達智慧圓融,更應該含蓄謙虛,像稻穗一樣,米粒越飽滿垂得越低。 A wise person must be humble and unassuming,like the rice stalk that bows under the weight of ripe grain. |
3 | 唯有尊重自己的人,才能勇於縮小自己。 Only those who respect themselves have the courage to be humble. |
4 | 縮小自己,要縮到對方的眼睛裡,還要能前鑲箝在對方的心頭上。 To be humble is to shrink our ego until we are small enough to enter another’s eyws and reside in their heart and mind |
5 | 看淡自己是般若,看重自己是執著。 To regard ourself lightly is prajua(wisdom). To regard ourself hightly is attachment. |
6 | 不能低頭的人,是因為一再回顧過去的成就。 People who are preoccupied with past achievements cannot humble themselves. |
7 | 人都是在原諒自己的那一分鐘開始懈怠。 We start to slacken the minutw we find excuses for ourself. |
8 | 勇於承擔,是一分動人的力量;勇於承擔錯誤,則是一種高尚的品格。 To shoulder a burden is an inspring force,To admit a mistake is a noble virture. |
9 | 大錯誤容易反省,小錯誤不易去除。 It is easy to reflect on major mistakes.And hard to eliminate small bad habits. |
10 | 懺悔則清淨,清淨則能除去煩惱。 Repentance purifies the mind;a purifies mind is free of worry. |