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英語靜思錄 - 談智慧 | |
1 | 真正的解脫是在眾緣中付出而得,也是在眾緣的煩惱中解脫。 True liberation is realized through unselfish giving for the benefit of mankind. It is also realized through the challenges of relations with others. |
2 | 有智慧的人能捨,能「捨」就能「得」,得到無限的快樂。 A wise person is able to let go. To let go is actually to receive boundless happiness. |
3 | 智慧是從人與事之間磨練出來的,若逃避現實,離開人與事,變無從產生智慧。 Spiritual wisdom is cultivated in the interplay of people,objects,and events. To escape from reality,to keep away from people and events,provides no means to nurture wisdom. |
4 | 人都是因為太聰明了,分別的事多,矛盾也多,才會執著想不開。 Often when a person is too smart they will overanalyze things and contradictions appear,hence,they become anxiously entrenched. |
5 | 每天的人事物,就是活生生的一部經,除了可增長我們的智慧,又可藉外境將心修練得如如不動。 People,tasks,and events are all living sutras that cultivate wisdom and discipline the mind to remain undisturbed in the face of phenomenon. |
6 | 智慧由定而生,若能心專念一,從事入理,即能產生智慧。 Equanimity nurtures wisdom. When we concentrate wholeheartedly on the task at hand and perceive the truth behind shifting phenomenon wisdom will naturally grow. |
7 | 「道」不是在文字上求,應在日常得人事中磨出「定力」,由「定」而產生「慧」。 Spiritual cultivation cannot be found in the realm of words and writings. Apply the lessons of daily encounters with people and events to your practice,and gather the strength of equanimity. This equanimity will cultivate wisdom. |
8 | 有智慧才能分辨善惡邪正;能謙虛則能建立美滿人生。 With wisdom,we can discern good from evil,right from wrong;with humility,we will have a happy life. |
9 | 爭,只能「為善競爭」、「與時日競爭」。 Compete only for good. Race against time,fight for every second. |