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英語靜思錄 - 談聲色 | |
1 | 人與人相處,都是以聲色互相對待。講話是聲,態度是色,與人講話要輕言細語,態度要微笑寬柔。 The expressions on our face and the tone of our voice all communicate to others. So smile and speak softly;preserve a gentle attitude. |
2 | 聽話、說話要完整,不要只揀前一句、後一句,合起來剛好尖尖的刺進人心。 Be clear and complete when you talk and listen. Do not pick one sentence here,and one sentence there;or you may be accident intensely hurt someone. |
3 | 對人要寬心,講話要細心。 Be forgiving towards. Be discreet in your speech. |
4 | 歡喜心是一種涵養,能另周圍的人都有「如沐春風」的喜悅感。 A heart of joy is a virtue that brings happiness to others like a spring breeze. |
5 | 要做個受人歡迎和被愛的人,必須先照顧好自我的聲和色。 To win the hearts of others and always be welcome,we must be cautious of our tone of voice and facial expression. |
6 | 皺眉和微笑都是一個動作表情,何不微笑? A frown and a smile are both possible. Why not smile? |
7 | 起心動念無不是業,開口動舌、舉手投足無不是罪。 Every thought,every word,every action is the origin of karma and misfortune. |