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英語靜思錄 - 談毅力 | |
1 | 勇氣不可失,信心不可無,世間沒有不能與無能的事,只怕——不肯。 Never lose courage. Never lose faith. Nothing in this world is impossible when you are determined. |
2 | 不管路有多遠、自己的能力有多少,都能隨份隨力儘量去達成目標,此即「毅力」。 Regardless how far the journey is or how capable we are,we do our best to reach our goal. This is perseverance at its best. |
3 | 苦幹象徵毅力與耐力,要成就大事業,必須擁有苦幹的精神。 Hardwork signifies persistence and patience. To achieve great accomplishments,we must have a hardworking spirit. |
4 | 人所以缺乏毅力、勇氣,是因為好逸惡勞、玩物喪志。 A life of ease but no work,all play but no goal,will cause one to lose courage and determination. |
5 | 恆心、毅力能如「滴水穿石」,再大的困難與阻礙都能突破。 Just like dripping water that can penetrate stone,patience and persistence can break through anything,no matter how great the difficulty. |
6 | 人要克服難,不要被難克服。 One must overcome difficulties,not be overcome by difficulties. |