上十頁 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 下十頁 |
靜思語 | |
1 | 時間可以造就人格,可以成就事業,也可以儲積功德。 Over time,we can build great character,achieve great success,and cultivate great viture. |
2 | 用智慧探討人生真義,用毅力安排人生時間。 Use wisddom tocontemplate the meaning of life.Use resolve to organize the time you are given. |
3 | 「前腳走,後腳放」:意即:昨天的事就讓它過去,把心神專注於今天該做的事。 As we put the front foot down,We lift the back foot up .We let yesterday go,and focus on today. |
4 | 未來的是妄想,過去的是雜念,保護此時此刻的愛心謹守自己當下的本分。 The future is illusion,the past is memory .Protect the love of this moment.Focus on your immediate task. |
5 | 生命無常,智命永存;愛心無涯,精神常在。 Life is impermanent,wisdom is enternal;the love in our heart is boundless,and our spirit will always remain. |
6 | 人生無常,人命只在呼吸間,一秒間過不了關 ,生命就結束了,所以要好好的把握每一分每一秒。 Life is impermanent.It exists in the space of a breath.Life ends when the breathing stops.We must cherish every monent. |
7 | 未來的成就完全是在掌握分秒中造就出來,「未來」也是由「現在」累積而成。 Our future accomplishments are determined entirely by how every second in our life |
8 | 最幸福的人生,就是能寬容與悲憫一切眾生的人生。 A person with a generous heart and compassion for all beings leads the most blessed life. |
9 | 「慈心」不能缺乏親善的態度,「智慧」不能缺乏謙虛的涵養。 Being compassionate,we are friendly and kind.we are truly humble. |
10 | 把貪念轉為滿足,把滿足化作慈悲。 Transform greed into contentment,and contentment into compassion. |