上十頁 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 下十頁 |
英語靜思錄 - 談願力 | |
1 | 任何事情都是從一個決心、一粒種子開始。 Every achievement grows out of the seed of determination. |
2 | 不要小看自己,因為人有無限的可能。 Do not underestimate your ability;everyone has unlimited potential. |
3 | 千里之路,必須從第一部開始;聖人的境域,也是自凡夫起步。 The journey of a thousand miles begins with one first step. Even the sage was once an ordinary being. |
4 | 要提起就要完全提起,要放下就全新放下。 When you perform a task,do it wholeheartedly;When you refuse a task,leave it without regret. |
5 | 發心容易,恆心難持;光說不練,無法體悟真理,實踐道.法。 To being is easy,to persist is difficult. Talking about truth without practicing it leads neither to enlightenment nor realizes the Dharma. |
6 | 發願必須發利益眾生的大願,並且隨時隨地身體力行。 Make great vows,to benefit all sentient beings,then carry them out in action. |