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英語靜思錄 - 談煩惱 | |
1 | 有些人常常起煩惱——因為別人一句無心的話,他卻有意接受。 People often feel upset because they take careless remarks too seriously. |
2 | 如果有所付出就想有所回報,將會招來煩惱。 Giving with an expectation for return brings misery. |
3 | 「貪」 不但帶來痛苦,也使人墮落。 Greed not only brings misery,it may also bring ruin. |
4 | 人生多欲為苦——人常被「欲」所牽引造業。 Suffering is caused by endless desire;the desire that creates bad karma. |
5 | 煩惱就像一條毒蛇睡在人的心中,一觸動它,蛇就會咬人。 Worry is a poisonous snake that sleeps in the mind;the moment you disturb it,the snake will bite you. |
6 | 人生有煩惱,皆元貪、瞋、痴三毒所引起。 All worries in life flow from three poisons:greed,malice and Ignorance. |
7 | 人都因為有一個「我」作中心才有煩惱,所以要將「我」看淡些。 Worries arise from attachment to〝self〞. So let go of your 〝self〞. |
8 | 擁有的人煩惱「失」,沒有的人憂慮「得」;患得患失,即成憂愁。 When we have something,we are afraid of losing it. When we don’t have something,we are afraid we won’t get it. The anxiety of gain and loss causes misery in our life. |
9 | 人人有本清淨純真的佛性,只因煩惱無明遮蔽了。 We all have a pure and clear Buddha nature,obscured by worry and delusion. |